The universe hates me

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Socialising with humans was not something you were particularly good at. You saw the sea of students from all types of backgrounds and ethnicities.
A little frightened by the crowd, you hid behind Stephen, like a shy child. Stephen looked at you from the corner of his eyes and the his lips formed a small smile.

Whispers. Like the ones i heard in high school.
You hated it when people whispered as you walked past, because it made you feel insecure even though you knew they might not be talking about you. But this time was different. This time you were certain that the whispers revolved around you; the new girl who's clinging to Stephen Ng. Everyone knew Stephen Ng. Smart, funny, confident, a little rebellious and totally hot. You, on the other hand, a new girl. Definitely not confident and a total nervous wreck. You could make out a few words among the murmurs.
"....Isnt that Stephen? Hot as ever i see. Who's the girl tho..."
"...... Is she with him....?"
".....low standards in girls i see..."
"....he could find someone hotter..."
"....what happened to Scar? She was stunning...."
You bent your head even more, feeling so conscious of the whispers. After all, you were young. Self love was something you were trying to work on, but your insecurities always seemed to get the better of you.
"Stephen, you can go now. I think i can find my way around till the orientation"
"You sure? I can stay with you, you know. My friends can wait."
"Yeah, i'm sure." No you werent. You wanted Stephen to stay so badly, but that would only attract more gossip and attention.
"O-ok then... See ya later"
The whispers died down, but not completely. Rumors spread fast, and everyone in uni knew about you. The nicer, more mature people couldn't care less, but the rest had already begun to judge you.

Amidst the loud conversations and laughters of students who were returning to the college, you silently took your seat in the auditorium.

A few seconds later, a group of people sat down next to you. Being the anti social chicken you were, you acted like you didnt hear anything and just stared straight ahead.
"What. so now you don't know me anymore?"
You were so glad to hear that voice. "Stephen!"
You looked to see who was with him.
Stephen noticed your sudden curiosity and introduced his friends.
"(Y/N), this is my friend Jay. He's friends with Dan and Hos. And this is my brother Gavin. He takes the architecture course too, but he's in his second year. And this is Ann. you'll prolly be seeing all of them often now that you live with us."
"Hi guys. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too"
You made mental notes on these people.
Gavin. Stephen's brother. it seems like hotness runs in the family. A little shorter than Stephen, but more buff
Jay. Looks like a trainer from Pokémon. Super cute. I think he's really smart.
Ann. Literal cutie. A little shorter than me. really sweet. Reminds me of Hosuh for some reason.

the lights dimmed and everyone fell into complete silence. A young girl about your age stepped onto the podium.

Gavin, who was seated right beside you, whispered, "sheesh. that's the student body representative. She's overconfident and a little scary. There are a tonne of perks if you manage to stay on her good side. But otherwise you'll end up like me and my brother." Gavin smiled fondly.

"what do you mean?"

"I think everyone knows but, try and keep this to yourself. Her name's Jenny Reeve and last year, at the beginning of the second semester, she told Stephen that she liked him but obviously, she got rejected. Now she hates Stephen AND me for some fucking reason.
"well, i wont kiss her ass" you grinned. "in fact, I'll try my very best to do the complete opposite."

————time skip——————
All the professors finished speaking and the students were finally dismissed. You had been sitting for so long that when you got up, you couldn't feel your butt.
"Guys. The student rep. wants us to mingle with students taking the same course as us!" A young boy said. Without waiting for a response, he ran to the next group to relay he same message.
Jay groaned.
"Well. That means we're gonna have to split up again."
"What about (y/n)? She's new and she might feel a little uncomfortable alone," said ann
"Dont worry! Im in the same course as her. Gavin saves the day! Cmon!" Gavin pushed you forward, steering towards a group of architecture students.
Gavin introduced you to atleast 20 people, and you were already exhausted.
You felt him shove you in front of someone before saying, "get to know him. I'll be right back"
Your brain processed his words and concluded that Gavin had abandoned you for a few minutes, so you looked up at the person, willing to start a conversation. That was until-
Can we get an F in the chat for the girl who managed to bump into her ex twice already.
That feeling when you want to jump off of a cliff? Yeah. That's exactly how you felt. The calm air had suddenly become stiff and awkward. You balled your hands into a fist, your nails digging into your palm. It was your way of coping with a situation like this.
Neither of you said anything for a few seconds, but to you, it felt like you were standing here for 10 years.
"So. You're going out with Stephen Ng?"
Jesus. Of all the things we could talk about, you had to pick relationships. What a prick.
"Why do People like being nosy and assuming things?"
When you said that, Mark's eye visibly twitched. It was obviously an blow directed to him.
"I don't get it. You were always such a burden. I was just too nice to break up with you" he said bluntly

"Who said i wanted to date you in the first place? If it wasnt for Dan, i would never have lowered by standards to your level."

Just then, Gavin appeared through the crowd.
"Hey (y/n)! Stephen's waiting by the car. Shall we go?"
"Yes, Gavin. I think that's a good idea" you gritted you teeth and mark glared at you. You turned and went ahead of gavin.
You took quick footsteps and your mind flooded with frustration.

The universe had to clump me into the same class as mark. Fuck. That piece of shit is full of himself.

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now