Sunday with Stephen

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The next day, you woke up to find that Daniel and Hosuh both had to go somewhere, leaving you alone with...uh oh.

"Daniel! do you have to go?" you whined. You usually hate being clingy but right now, you couldn't stand the thought of being left alone with Stephen. Not because you hated him or anything. You just knew you'd make a fool of yourself since you always became a mess around him.

"I'm sorry but I really have to. Plus, Stephen's here. He'll take care of you." at this you pouted and crossed your arms.

"hey! I don't need babysitters! You don't understand I just can't seem to function properly when he's around!"

"what was that?" Daniel said, he suddenly grinned, and he looked a little evil. "is little (y/n) catching feelings for Stephen?" he began to tease you. oh shit. here we go again.

Basically, when you came to study in Canada, you had a crush on one of Daniel's classmates and his name was Mark. This was AFTER you thought you like Dan. When you told Dan about it, you had NEVER regretted anything more in life. He would follow you throughout the day, teasing you and Mark. He would run towards you in the hallways yelling 'Mark' at the top of his lungs and everyone would just stare at you. Finally, when you started going out with Mark, Daniel would always giggle whenever you talked about your dates.

Mark was history though. You dated for about a year; eight months while you were in Canada, and four months when you were at home. But he lived in Canada, and both of you figured long distance wasn't working. You guys broke up on good terms, but just about a week after you guys split, he started going out with another girl. the fact that he got over you so fast broke your heart. You quickly shook your head, deciding to forget about Mark.

Daniel looked at you, evilly. "stephen~" he was teasing you again. before you could tell him to go fuck himself, Stephen entered the room.

He looked at Daniel, "yo you called me?" then he looked at you, smiled, and returned his gaze to Daniel.

you were burning from the inside. it was just a smile, but it made you feel like this. Imagine spending an entire day with him.

"well, actually," dan started, "since you and (y/n) are alone today, you should take her to the park. she's never been there."

OH NO OH NO OH NO. You knew what Dan was up to. He was trying to set you up with Stephen.

"Oh NO! it's ok! Stephen's probably busy. I don't want to bother him! Besides, I could go to the park NEXT TIME. BY MYSELF" at those last words, you glared at Dan, who was trying his best not to laugh.

"nah, I'm free today. I could take you to the park, if you want." Stephen didn't realise how cute he sounded, did he?

boyfriend material. WAIT a seconD. Get a hold of yourself (y/n).

"Yeah, see? Stephen is FREE" dan looked at you and winked. Then he glanced at his watch. "well, looks like I have to go now. Hosuh! you ready?"

Hosuh came running down the stairs. he was still tying his ponytail. "Just a second"
"Oh and (y/n). You wanted to buy me a meal today. When and where do you want to meet?"
"How about Willy's. We used to go there after school remember? I really want to try it again. So how about at 8?"
"That sounds great. So everyone gather at Willy's. 8 o'clock."
"Sounds good"
"Ok i'm ready." Hosuh was panting lightly. "Let's go. Bye Stephen. Bye (y/n)."

you watched Dan and Hosuh drive away. Shit.

"So! we good?" you said. you were so nervous what the fuck.

stephen laughed, "why are you so nervous? didn't you try to kill me last night? Besides, we literally shared blankets and watched anime. I'd say we're good."

"I'm so sorry about that! It's just that I was sleep deprived and it was 3 AM. my brain automatically perceived you as a ghost."

"don't worry about it (y/n). Anyway, It's already 1 o'clock. You want to go eat lunch somewhere? My treat."

Your eyes widened. What the fuck kind of character development is this? 24 hours ago, he basically gave you the cold shoulder. Now he wants to treat you to lunch? it wasn't a bad thing. It just surprised you how inaccurate first impressions could be.

"really?! Of course! let's eat at a fast food joint. What about McDonald's?"

"sure. then we could head to the park. Grab a jacket. it gets cold in the evening."

oops. that's right. You didn't pack one. you were planning to shop in Canada.

"I- I didn't bring one." you stuttered.

Stephen nearly choked. "w-whAT? yoU camE TO cAnAdA withoUt a JaCKET?" then he started laughing really hard. "(y/n) you're so silly"

you looked at your feet, embarrassed for the hundredth time since you came here.

"wait a second. Go change. I'll grab a jacket for you."

And so you jogged up the stairs. For some reason, you really wanted to look good. For stephen. You threw on a light sweater (which happened to be your fav) and some mom jeans (bc why not). You wore your white air force ones (bc they look good with anything and theyre so cute). You did an EXTREMELY quick makeup look. You took a look at yourself in the mirror.
Damn. I'd hit that.
You chuckled at how weird you sounded and then you ran down the stairs. Stephen was waiting near the exit.
He was wearing a black danplan hoodie paired with black jeans and air jordans.
Hot with no effort. Your heartbeat quickened.
"Oh there you are. Here," he held out a jacket. "It's mine. But you can borrow it." You took the jacket and put it on. It was oversized and it smelled so good. "Thanks"
Stephen stood there and scanned you from head to toe. He let out a soft laugh.
"What what's wrong? Is there something on my shirt? On my shoes? On my face????" You were getting panicky again.
"No it's just," he paused and turned to open the door, " you look cute in my jacket."
You were so flustered, you froze. Stephen held the door open for and you quickly walked out. The cold wind blew on your hot, red face. You were trying not to smile but you felt euphoric.
You walked ahead of stephen, towards his car.
You both got in and neither of you spoke the whole way to Mcdonalds but the silence wasn't awkward; it made you feel warm and fluttery
————————inside mcdonalds———————
"Ok! So. What do you want to eat?" Stephen grinned at you.
"I'm in the mood for a Big Mac." You smiled at him.
"Fantastic. Grab a seat for us and i'll get our food"
You went to the seat by the window and waited patiently.
A few minutes later, he sat down next to you and you started eating.
"I want to get to know you better. Mind if i ask you some questions?" Stephen looked up at you. But you were busy looking at the burger
"What is this. A date?" You teased. You looked up to see a super flustered Stephen.
Woah. Is he blushing?
"I'm just joking Stephen. Of course. Go ahead and ask me as much you like"
"Well. For starters. You're gonna study in the same uni as me right?"
You had been drinking coke, and you choked.
"Wait. You're that friend?"
"Yeah. Didnt Dan tell you?"
"I guess. But he wasnt specific. He didnt tell
whether it was you or Hosuh."
"That sounds like something he would do." He seemed hesitant to ask the next question.
"W-Was there anything between you and d-dan"
You choked. AGAIN. At this rate you would end up drowning. The fizziness made your through burn.
"N-No! Not at all. Dan's an asshole for bringing that up. I had a tiny crush on him that lasted for a week, tops. That's it." You looked at Stephen, hoping he would believe you.
"That's Great!" Then He dug into his burger.
Great? How so... his words bothered you. What did he mean? Great?

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now