the terrace.

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A few days passed and today, you found yourself waiting on the pavement in front of a coffee shop.
You were restless, tapping your foot as you scanned the busy streets for Mark. He had asked you to meet him here at 10, and now it was 10:45. It didn't help that it was a blustery day, like most days in March. March winds are not a pleasant experience. Your hair was all up in your face, no matter how many times you pushed it away, and you were shivering.

Who the fuck does he think he is? Cant he tell that it's a terrible day to keep someone waiting?

You would've made yourself comfortable in the warm, cozy cafe but it was packed and there was nowhere to sit. You definitely did not want to awkwardly stand inside, so you chose to wait in the wind.
After another 15 minutes, you saw Mark making his way toward you with. He grinned and waved, but you just crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.

Argh. That cocky prick.

You furrowed you brows and told him that the coffee shop was full, so you had to do the project elsewhere. He rambled on about other cafes and how far they were from here.
You were NOT going to walk around looking for a coffee shop in this weather so you just said, "you know what let's just head to my place. It's just a few minutes away."
"Sounds great!"
"Guys! I'm here with my friend!" You said half-heartedly, as you shut the door behind you.

"Hm? You don't live alone?" Mark asked.

"Nah. I have roommates," you said, unwillingly. You wanted to say as little as possible to Mark.

"Do I know them-" mark was halfway through his sentence when Stephen walked out of the kitchen, holding a plate of food. Their eyes met.

Stephen's plate hit the floor and it shattered. Mark was at a loss for words as he stared, horrified at the sight of Stephen Ng.

"He's your roommate?!"
"He's the friend?!"

They both yelled simultaneously, pointing at each other.

"He's not my friend. I'm just forced to do this with him," you told Stephen. Then you turned to Mark, immediately taking on a rude tone, "Yeah he's my roommate. So?"

"You could've told me. He's one of the main reasons scarlet broke up with me."

"Oh wow! I'm so sorry! It's not like i give a flying fuck!" You said sarcastically.

Stephen chortled for a split second, and then tried his best to suppress his laughter.

"Well, we'll be in upstairs in my room if you need us," you said.
Before you could leave, Stephen pulled you back and whispered, "just tell me if he tries anything funny, okay?"
His eyes appeared possessive yet caring. It was intimidating and attractive at the same time. You felt the heat rising to your cheeks as you quickly nodded.
A sweet smile played on his lips as he let you go. You were already malfunctioning, flustered by his sudden possessiveness. For that short minute, he was the dom and you were the sub. You hated to admit it, but you would've done anything he told you to in that moment.

Damn. I never thought of myself as bottom. I always thought i would be on top. Hm. Maybe i'm a switch-

"What's taking you so long? Are you collecting daisies or something?" Mark yelled from upstairs.

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now