2 am thoughts

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After the incident at the park, you immediately ran home, and you never left your room. Hosuh knocked a couple of times to ask if you were ok or if you wanted to eat anything.

"I'm good Hosuh. Just feeling a little under the weather. it's probably the hangover," you lied. You curled up into a ball, wearing your fluffy pyjamas and fluffy socks. You cried a little, than got mad at yourself, then at Stephen, then you sarcastically laughed at your silliness. This vicious cycle went on until 2 AM, when you finally decided to try and get some sleep. You closed your eyes, but you felt wide awake. In this state, you became vulnerable to your toxic thoughts. It wasn't something rare, actually. Any time you allowed yourself to think when you were about to sleep, your mind would fill up with dark thoughts; thoughts that made you feel sad and insecure.

Tonight was one of those nights. You were being haunted by your own demons.

Maybe I'm not pretty enough? Not smart enough? I'll never be in the same league as Stephen or Scarlet and maybe that's why I should just give it up.

Honestly, what's wrong with me? Why am I so broken over losing something that was never mine in the first place.

A few minutes passed, and you decided that staying up and hating yourself wasn't going to solve anything. So you decided to open your laptop and watch Stranger Things because that always made you forget your anxiety. You pressed play but your dumbass forgot to plug in the headphones, so the VERY LOUD intro of ST echoed through the halls. You flung yourself over your laptop so that it would shut the fuck up, but that didn't stop Hosuh from coming to check on you.

knock knock.

"yES SIR!" you blurted out. you were panicking over the fact that you probably woke up the whole house- scratch that- the whole neighbourhood.

"you okay in there? or are you planning a party 2am?" hosuh chuckled from behind the close door. You made your way out of bed and opened it to face hosuh.

"shit. Did you hear it?" you asked guiltily.

"I mean, it was pretty loud," he said, smiling sweetly.

"I'm sorry that I woke you."

"nah i was already up. couldn't sleep. What about you?"

"same. I was just having a 2 AM anxiety session. so I decided to watch Stranger Things."

there was a short period of silence until you asked, "Wanna join and chat a little before we sleep?"


You hopped onto the bed with Hosuh behind you (Frick that came out wrong lol). Although he was of the opposite sex, you didn't even feel an ounce of awkwardness but at the same time, your heart wasn't thumping like it was when Stephen was here with you.

"So. what's caused you anxiety this time?" Hosuh asked.

"there's this other girl," you said, softly.

Hosuh let out a sigh, "Does this have something to do with Stephen?"


"you know he's been bugging me the whole evening, right? he thought he did something wrong and he wanted me to ask you because he was scared. He asked me if I knew why you were ignoring us."

"I see."

"(y/n). be honest. what's wrong?"

you hesitated, your eyes were eyes glued to the screen but you weren't watching the show anymore. you gulped, "I like Stephen but there's this gorgeous girl who's his ex and now she wants him back and I know that I can't compete with that!" the words spilled out so fast that hosuh's eyes were wide open in shock.

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now