Summer break ☀️

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After two hours of struggling with your Computer Science paper, you finally put your pen down, handing your paper in as a wave of relief washed over you.
It had been three bloody, painful weeks since your mid-terms began and today's was the last. You hastily swung your bag over your shoulder and quietly walked out of the examination hall as the invigilator watched you suspiciously with her beady eyes.
You were one of the last ones out because you always preferred to check your answers about a hundred times before you left the room for good. Today was no exception; you nervously scanned your paper, then you scanned the room and then you looked at your paper again.

Hmm. Maybe i was being a little suspicious.

"Hey babe," Stephen put his arms around your shoulders and greeted you with a wide grin, "How'd you do your paper? Today was the final one, wasnt it?"
You beamed up at him, "Yup! And i think i did pretty well! What about you?"
"Eh. You know me, i always do well," he smirked and you playfully elbowed him.
"Hey guys! Hold up! I'm walking with you today!"
Stephen and you turned to meet a very excited Jay.
"Don't you live in the opposite direction? Oh- wait a minute. Is this your way of simping on daniel?" Your lips curled into a mischievous smile.
"What! No!" Jay stuck his tongue out, scrunching his nose and making you giggle.
"Didnt daniel tell you guys?" He stared at the two of you and you stared back. For the next few seconds, yall looked like three dumb pigeons staring at each other before Jay decided to break the silence.
"Danplan hit 1 million subscribers this morning!"
Stephen choked on air and started coughing wildly. You quickly smacked his back in an attempt to aid him, but in your shooketh state, you smacked it a little too hard, and ended up slamming him flat onto the floor.
"Oh sHIt! I'm so sorry i was trying to save you!" You helped him up and dusted his knees.

"Damn, (y/n)," Jay was wheezing, "I dont know  know who you're going to save with moves like that. It's a good thing you're not becoming a doctor or I'd be worried for your patients. Bahahhaha!! But yeah! Since we hit one mil, Dan's going to take us to Disney Land tomorrow!"
"Yayyy!" Stephen yelled in excitement before jay cut in, "That's why i'm sleeping at your place tonight."
Stephen's glowing expression quickly turned into an exaggerated face of disappointment, "yay...." all of you laughed because he was obviously joking.
On the way home, you stopped at the grocery store to buy some ice cream to cool everyone off on this HOT summer afternoon.
The walk was nothing but the usual; jay and stephen making fun of each other, you laughing and roasting them here and there, just the usual banter that you had grown to love.
You walked into the house, and your body instantly felt cooler. 
You saw Dan coming out of his room, itching to tell you the news. And after he excitedly babbled about how happy he was, you pulled him into a bear hug and congratulated him.
"And so, we're heading to disneyland tomorrow morning!" Dan yelled.
"Yayyyy!" Stephen wiggled his arms above his head. He resembled and overjoyed kid who was promised whatever candy he wanted.
Awwwwww UwU.
"Since it's quite far from here, we'll begin our journey at 5 am. We should reach there at 9. Then we'll check into our hotel rooms, and head to disney. I thought we could spend the night at the hotel so that we have more time to go on rides and stuff," dan said.
"Sounds good!" Everyone said in affirmation.

—time skip brought brought to you by Stephen's cat—

The next morning, everyone was busy shuffling around the house before the sun had even risen. Within an hour, everyone divided into 3 groups, traveling in three separate cars.
Once you got to the hotel, the receptionist gave everyone their room keys.
Daniel and Hosuh were going to share a room, Jay and Stephen would share another, and the rest of the crew were also sharing rooms in pairs, a part from you. You were going to have an entire room all to yourself (hoorrayyyy).

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2020 ⏰

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