Stoned at 3 AM

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A few months passed and Summer had arrived. The signs were evident; it was warmer, the grass was greener, cicadas and crickets could be heard every evening. But for a university student, or any student for that matter, summer brings with it the dreaded exams. You were not spared from this torture and you had been studying for a few weeks. Gavin came over sometimes to study with you, but you mostly just studied with Stephen, Daniel and Hosuh.

There was a huge summer party organized by the uni's richest (and some of the nicest) students. It was an annual event and it was very well known because of a lot of celebrities would attend. You had been dying to go especially because you heard Pewdiepie would be there. But unluckily, you had very important math exams the next day. So, you watched as Stephen got ready to go.

"Baby, are you sure you can't come?" He asked, a little sadly.

Fuck you. Why are you so cute.

"I wish i could but i have math exams tomorrow," you pouted as you looked at him regretfully.
He waddled to you and hugged you; both of you feeling disappointed by the situation.
"Oi lover birds!" Daniel was in a rush to leave.
"Look, (y/n). Stephen's supposed to take me with him or else i cant get in. And i want to reach there early enough to meet some famous people," Dan said as he pulled Stephen away from you.
Daniel was not a student in your college, therefore he was not an invitee. BUT he managed to *bribe* Stephen into sneaking him in somehow.
"Yo if you assault any of your 'idols', i'm gonna let them kick you out and pretend like i've never seen you. Clear?" Stephen was trying to make sure daniel understood.
"Yeah yeah now LET's MOVE! Bye!"
You sighed as you watched them leave. They both looked very attractive as they hastily got into the car.
You chuckled to yourself.
"What's up," hosuh asked you cheerfully.

"Just feeling depressed because i cant make it to the party..."

"That's ok! I'll keep you company and motivate you to study!" He said in his adorable wholesome voice.

"That's so nice of you hosuh!" You quickly hugged him and said, "i was going to bake a some cookies before i leave. I refrigerated the dough when i woke up this morning. It shouldnt take more than 20 minutes. Do you want to join?"
"Is that even a question! I would love to!"
So you marched towards the kitchen with Hosuh behind you. You were really amazed at how much pure, happy energy Hosuh had and how he managed to boost your mood just by being himself.
"Done! Now all we have to do is pop them in here!" You beamed as you slid the tray of cookies into the oven.
"Great! You can go ahead and study now, (y/n). I'll bring them up once they're done. You can study hard and think of the cookies as a reward for your effort."
You both laughed at how corny and cheery yall sounded. You left the kitchen and walked up to your bedroom to dive into your notes again.

After about half and hour, Hosuh brought the cookies along with some refreshing milk. Both of you enjoyed the snack while spilling some tea, and you packed the leftover cookies into a jar before you continued to study.
You hadn't realized how much time had passed by the time you took your next break. You walked out of the room and noticed that hosuh was already sleeping. Then you heard shuffling from downstairs. You grabbed your bat from underneath your bed and crept towards the kitchen. You were holding your weapon, ready to attack when you saw your intruder stuffing his face with ice cream.
"Daniel? Back so soon?" You placed your bat against the wall.
"I got kicked out," he said, but he seemed the least bothered, "at least i got to meet Joji."
"Joji?!" You whined, disappointed that you missed the opportunity to meet your FAVOURITE singer.
He just ignored you and continued to eat.
"Oh stephen's probable coming very late tonight so no one has to wait for him. I'm gonna hit the hay. Goodnight, (y/n)." He left with the tub of ice cream.
It was 3AM before you finally finished studying and decided to sleep. So you slithered into your sheets, happy to finally be done with your work. You began to drift into a deep slumber when-

Your sleepiness vanished and you started to think of all the possibilities. Then you heard it again.
Pebbles? Is someone throwing pebbles at my window?
You snuck out of your blankets and peeped through the curtains.
"Stephen?" You drew back your curtains and opened your window completely so that you could get a better view.

He was wobbling under your window, unable to stand still. He was walking wonkily too.

"Are you drunk?" You asked softly, concerned and worried that you would wake the whole neighborhood.

"I'm drUnk on ur LUV!" He yelled. You mentally facepalmed yourself.

How the fuck should you manage this drunk man child at this time of the night. You were trying to to think of what to do when you heard him, and your heart skipped a beat.


You knew he was tipsy, so did he actually mean it? What if he did? You began to blush thinking about it. Then he tripped on grass (yep. Thats right. He tripped on grass) so you silently rushed to his aid, making him lean on you. You supported his body and helped him into his bed. Like any drunk person, he fell asleep as soon as you put him on the mattress.
You tip toed your way to the door.
"I love you so much (y/n)..." he murmured in his sleep. You shook it off because he was intoxicated and sleepy. He probably didnt know what he was saying.

———rise and shine assholes———

You had fallen asleep later than everyone, but you were forced to wake up the earliest too.

Fuck education. What is the point of suffering? Gasjjsjs

You grumpily put on your shoes and jogged out of the house towards the examination hall in the university.
—————after the exams—————
The halls were filled with chattering students who were eagerly discussing the paper. You frowned as you exited the room.

Hm. I think i got this one wrong.

You thought the paper was pretty easy. Gavin's study sessions had come in handy after all. You silently slogged towards your friend's car and she dropped you home.
"Sup motherfuckers i'm back," you said.
"How was the exam?" Daniel asked. Hosuh and daniel were eating breakfast and it was obvious that they had just gotten up.

"Fairly easy," you said, walking apathetically towards the kitchen to grab some water. Then you came face to face with Stephen, who was wearing an apron covered in what appeared to be flour. He had made breakfast because it was his turn today. That was the rule in this house; rotational chores.
You looked up to him and grinned, "This look suits you." You quickly pecked his cheek and walked passed to get some water.
"Stephen? What's that look on your face?" You heard hosuh ask. 
Hm? He looked fine right now you thought as you walked back to see what was wrong with him.
He quickly turned his head away so that you couldnt see, but you could tell he was blushing like a mad man.
"Are you seriously that flustered by your girlfriend giving you a kiss?" Daniel laughed at Stephen who now had the perfect expression of a tsundere; blushing, brows furrowing, panicking, and most importantly, denying the fact that they're head over heels for someone.

"Wh-wha-what the fuck Daniel! Of CoUrSE NOt!"
After that, everyone laughed at Stephen's reaction, poking fun at his adorable state.
It went on until Hosuh left for classes, and Daniel followed a few minutes later.
It was just Stephen and you once again.

"D-do you remember what happened last night?" He asked nervously.

"Hm? Duh. I'd be surprised if you remember. You were stoned," you chuckle.

"Of course I remember," you stiffened at those words.

"I meant it. I love you," you heard him say.

You faced him, with a delicate smile,

"I love you too."

This chapter was spose to be called 'stone at 3' but it sounded like a 3 year old did drugs so :p
Ps. Idk if Stephen gets drunk irl but this is just for the canon dontattackmelol

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now