Scarlet's House party

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"Oh. My. God. Scar! Stephen Ng is here!"

Everyone was eagerly waiting to see just how Scarlet would react to you and Stephen. I mean, dont we all like drama here and there? How would she make her move this time?

The music continued, but it was obvious that the three of you (stephen, scar and (y/n)) were the centre of attention for now.

Scar looked around, and finally spotted Stephen. Except he had brought a date. He had brought you.
She was infuriated. How did this first-year girl manage to snatch Stephen from her grasp? She decided to make an approach; one that would teach you not to mess with Scarlet.
She ran through the crowd, towards Stephen. Then she flung herself onto him, hugging him tightly with her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Stephen, i'm so glad you came!"

Scarlet knew that Stephen wouldn't do anything aggressive or mean, because that's just who he was. He would never embarrass anyone in front of this many people, no matter how much he hated them. and she was right. He gently brushed her off and said, "Of course," reluctantly.

"There it is," Scarlet thought to herself as she glanced at you maliciously. She could see the hurt in your eyes. She knew you were fragile and easy to toy with. You were just an insecure first year girl after all. It was sheer luck that Stephen noticed you; or at least that's what she thought.

"Come on (y/n). Let's go find Aimer," Stephen said as took your hands and lead you through the horde of people, "That's the only reason I'm here anyway."

Scar was smart enough to deduce that Stephen had indirectly insulted her and her party.

"This bond between Stephen and that whore," she said to one of her friends who silently stood beside her, "I want it."

"Not gonna lie Scarlet, you can't have everything you want," the voice was sarcastic, and it belonged to Gavin Ng.

"Nobody asked you, Gavin. Who invited you anyway?" she shot back.

"I can gatecrash your dumb parties to get free food whenever I want. You owe me a lot, in case you don't remember."

"I don't owe you shit," she said, sounding very annoyed.

"well then. let me refresh you memories. You asked me to do a lot for you when you wanted to get on my brother's dick. For example, you literally made me answer a million questions about him, then you forced me to introduce you to him, then you forced me to bring him to one of your parties, then you-" Gavin had been counting on his fingers, when Scarlet cut him off by stomping away. Gavin just smiled to himself, he was satisfied with her reaction.

Meanwhile, you waited by the dining table, amongst wild adults who were either making out on the table, groping each other, or smoking weed in the corner.

this is no different from any high school party.

"Hey, (y/n). do you want anything to drink?" Stephen asked you.

"Just some apple juice," you said, a little loudly to make sure he heard you over all the noise.

he surprised you by laughing as if he witnessed the funniest thing in world.

"Who the hell asks for apple juice at parties?" he was laughing so hard now.

You just smiled and shrugged. You watched him disappear as he walked toward the kitchen. He then came back with a packet of apple juice for you and a can of beer for himself.

"what's that? Is it tasty?" you said, eyeing the golden can.

"are you serious? you've never tried beer before?" he looked genuinely amazed.

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