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Daniel continued to drive as the radio played some random song.
"So. Where are you planning to stay?"
"I was gonna stay at the college dorm until i found a good apartment," you said as you turned towards daniel.
"Well, i share a small house with two roommates and we have an extra living space. I could ask my roommates if you could move in."
"Sweet! How much do I have to pay tho? Can I afford it?"
"I mean, it's 250$ a month which is standard. And each of us get a nice bedroom, a connecting bathroom, a tiny closet and we share a spacious living room and kitchen. You'll have to live with my friends and i, but i think it's totally worth it. My roommates are really nice people. You'll like them."
"Ok then! I'm really grateful, Dan. You've helped me so much already and i only reached here like 15 minutes ago. I HAVE to treat you to dinner. Tomorrow, perhaps?"
"You don't have to. We're friends after all, aren't we?"
Daniel glanced at you. He knew how stubborn you could be.
"You know what. A free meal from a girl like you? Hell yeah!"
The both of you started laughing.
"Ok, giggle goat. Watch the road. I don't want to die 20 minutes after i set foot in this place."
The laughter died down gradually, but the happy air about you remained. Daniel had always been a great friend and you were so excited to hang out with him. You rolled down the window and let the cold wind blow on your face as Dan continued to drive. It had been a long flight and you were sleepy. Your eyelids felt heavy and the sound of the engine and the radio faded into a peaceful silence as you drifted to sleep.

————— maybe like 30 minutes later————

"Hey, (y/n). We're here."

Daniel gently nudged you. You groaned.

"Five more minutes, Mom. I'm not hungry anyway."
Daniel rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"What was that, (y/n)? Do you dare disrespect your mother that way?" He whispered as his lips curled into a mischievous smile (I do realize what it sounds like but no lol).
His arms slowly surrounded your sleeping form and in a split second, he shook you. He shook you so hard that you woke up immediately, and then he stopped and started laughing. You were a little shocked at first but you realized what was going on as soon as you saw him, laughing like a jackass.
"DanIeL!! I swear to god i'll get you for this!"
He continued to snicker as he helped unload your stuff from the trunk.
"Hey, Daniel. Are your roommates at home?"
"Well, i think both of them are at uni right now. In fact, the guy who recommended his university ? He's one of my roommates!"
"Really? I can't wait to meet both of them. But I'm glad they're not here right now. I look pretty shitty."
"I guess you do have to make a good impression on them. Otherwise, we don't care if you looked like a sack of potatoes."
You smiled at him as you dragged you suitcase up to the door.
It was a really nice house. Pretty, dark red walls. The door and the windows looked like they were made from dark oak, and they went well with the walls. The house seemed to receive a good amount of sunlight too.
I love it.
The neighborhood seemed really nice; not sketchy at all. There were houses on either side of a wide road. And the road had pavements with trees here and there.
Daniel noticed how excitedly you were staring at your surroundings.
"Nice, right? And since you're the outdoorsy type, it might make you even happier that there's a park. It's probably a 10 minute walk from here."
Oh my frickin god
"Dani, this is absolutely fucking perfect! I just hope your roommates agree with me staying here!" You raised your hands, fingers crossed. You felt so hyped all of a sudden.
"Cmon, i'll show you inside."

He took your things up the stairs and led you to a room in the southwest part of the house. It had large windows, wooden shelves, some really pretty hanging lights and a bed facing the windows. It didn't really have much furniture yet, but it already felt like your new home.
"Woah! This is so cool! Thank you so much! Ooh i better call my dad or he might be here to check on me tomorrow lol."
Daniel smiled and walked out of your room. You shut the door and began to undress.
I should take a shower first. If the dudes come back home, i dont want to weird them out by smelling gross.
You walked through the tiny closet (which you thought was so CUTE) and into a small bathroom. It had a shower, a bathtub right below it, a toilet (well duh) and a modern sink.
You slid in through the glass doors of the shower and let your body relax as the droplets of hot water hit your body.
After your shower you called your parents and told them about your plan to live with Daniel and his friends.
"Are you sure you're okay living with three guys?" Your dad asked. He sounded uncertain.
"Of course dad! I've known Dan for a while. And he's really cool. So, his friends are probably decent too. If there are any problems though, i'll let you know immediately."
"Ok sweetpea. Have fun then. Bye! Love you!"
"Love you too"
You put the phone down and walked to your suitcase. You picked out some clothes; something cute and didn't look like you were trying too hard. You brushed your hair. You decided to go for a very natural and pretty makeup look. Just as you walked out of the room, you here a loud voice from downstairs.
Hm? It obviously wasnt Daniel speaking. You then heard a soft and gentle voice, with a slight accent.
"Heheh. What if she was here and she heard everything you said?"
"So? I'm just repeating Daniel's words, hosuh."
Then you heard Daniel speaking with his usual friendly tone.
"Yeah hosuh. Youre right. She's upstairs and she's gonna be our roommate."
"WHAT?!" That was the same loud voice as before.
"Well, i'm fine with that. As long as she isnt rude or anything."
"Alright, that's me and hosuh against stephen. Looks like she's staying here after all!"
You decided this was the right time to go join them, so you walked down the stairs.
You met three boys. There was Dan. There was a shorter, REALLY cute guy, who had a soft expression and a ponytail. And then there was the third dude. You stared at him. Damn. He was tall; taller than Daniel. Maybe 6 ft. He was devastatingly handsome.
Fuck, You thought.  He even dresses well.
You didnt know what had just happened, but it felt like your brain was lagging and your face was on fire.
"Ok so. Stephen, hosuh," his gestured his hand towards you, "This is (y/n). Y/n, this is hosuh," he was talking about the cute one, with the ponytail. "And this is stephen."
Wow. Hot person, hot name huh. Seems accurate.

"H-Hey. N-Nice to meet you," they were all so good looking, it intimidated you. You held your hand out.
"Nice to meet you too! As Daniel said, my name is Hosuh, and this is Stephen."
Hosuh already left such a good impression on you. He spoke softly, his smile was genuine and sweet. He was so friendly as he shook you hand. Stephen, on the other hand, just looked at you (a little coldly) and nodded in acknowledgment. He gave you the impression that he didnt like you.
"Well then. (Y/n), Stephen and i have rooms downstairs. Hosuh has a room on the same floor as you," Daniel said.
"That's great! We're neighbors, huh (y/n)?" Hosuh laughed softly; you could already tell that you guys would be great friends in the future.
"Yeah, neighbor!" you smile a little
"So Dan, im just gonna head to the store to pick up some snacks. Hosuh will help you set up the stuff for recording," Stephen didnt even try saying anything extra friendly to you and, even though you were the "take no shit, give no damn" kind of girl, you had to admit it hurt you a little.
Hurt? Nah, I think i'm just insulted...right?

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now