why so soon tho...

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This entire afternoon would not be kind to your skin; you were stressed, it was that time of the month AND you stuffed yourself with snacks, but honestly, you couldn't give two shits about breakouts. Thanks to Daniel, you could finally relax.


University. How bad could it be? I'm actually looking forward to it. And I can't wait to catch up with Dani-


You quickly grabbed your phone and saw that Daniel had texted you.

Dan the man: hey (y/n)


Dan the man: Apparently my friend's uni has one of the best

architecture courses in North America. and the admissions

are open till next week. the uni is called (i don't know u name it)

check out it's website.

thanks! I'll check it out right now

You immediately googled the name that Daniel gave you. Woah. You saw pictures of modern polygonal buildings, with huge tinted glass windows, surrounded by a carpet of bright green grass. There were stone pavements and trees with benches here and there. even the students in the photos looked so professional. this is one fancy university huh. I LOVE IT.

"MOM! DAD" you rushed down the stairs and almost fell on your face

"slow down or you'll hurt yourself, honey!" your mom said as she lifted her head from a book she was reading. She's always worried about your clumsiness.

"What's gotten you so excited?" your dad thought you were the funniest bean in the world

"mOM. dAd. I know where I want to study!"

"oh really? and where would that be, honey?"

"I want to go to Canada!" you quickly show them the pictures and the reviews and articles about how AMAZING this place was.

"Oh! my friend went there too. he majored in business. he did say it was an excellent school." your mom says as she stares, not very surprised, at the pictures.

"well then. have you done some background checking? it's not some shady place, is it?" your dad said. He always preferred to double check.

"of course I did dad. you taught me to look out for myself after all" you chuckled.

"so, pumpkin, you told me you wanted to be an architect. When does your course start?"

You stopped. oops how could you forge-


Dan the man: Btw, your course starts next week. right after admissions closes.

you better hurry up with the tickets and stuff.

plus, the uni is in the city that I live in! so if you need any help, I'm there for you.

For a whole ten seconds you froze.

next week? that's about seven days. oh shit.

You turned around and starting running up the stairs again. as you ran, you yelled, "It starts in a week!"

For the next few days, your whole family was a busy mess. you were doing your application paperwork, your mom was changing currencies, making bank accounts, handling your money and your father was booking plane tickets, and shopping for your basic necessities. This was gonna be one hell of a week.

----------- time skip brought to you by Stephen's laugh--------------

It was the evening before your flight. You had finished packing and settling everything except for some of your clothes. You shuffled through your closet and picked a couple of your favourite pieces and folded them neatly into your new suitcase. You decided that you could always shop after you reached Canada. Your mom called you for dinner, so you slowly made your way to the kitchen.

After dinner, you went up to your bedroom. You had a long, early flight tomorrow, so your parents figured you needed some rest. You washed up and threw yourself onto the soft, bouncy, comfortable mattress and you immediately crashed into a deeeeeeeep sleep.

the next morning

"Oh good God! Not again!" you had successfully slept through your alarm and you had an hour to reach the airport. Your parents were up and your dad was ready to drive you to there. You quickly dressed up and before you left your room, you stood at the door, trying to take in the familiar space that was now empty. I'm sure gonna miss home.

At the airport.

You had checked in your baggage and you were ready to board the plane. You turned around to see your dad, on the verge of tears.

"it feels like just yesterday you were going to kindergarten for the first time."

you smiled at him and pulled him into a tight hug.

"don't worry dad, I'll be back before you know it"

a voice echoed from the monitor throughout the airport; your flight would leave in half an hour, so you had to board the plane now.

"well, see you dad. I love you!" you quickly started running toward the counters.

"Bye kiddo! have fun! and don't forget to call me every single day, do you understand?! or I'm gonna have to catch a flight and start living with you in your dorm!"

yeah. I'm definitely gonna miss home.

-------------------- time skip AGAIN because I can heuheu-----------------------

People flooded out of the plane, and you were amongst this wave of people. Sniff. the air smelt different. it was cold and fresh. the icy breeze stung your cheeks, but you liked it. you got your things and exited the airport and, to your surprise, you saw Daniel, waving wildly as he saw you.

he had grown, alright. he had grown for sure. he was way taller now, maybe like 5'11? 6 ft. maybe? and he looked more mature. You dragged your suitcase, walking toward him excitedly.

"(y/n)!!! Wow! you look so different! in a good way! You've even grown taller!" he enveloped you in a bear hug.

"look at you! you've grown too!" you pulled out of the hug.

"what're you doing here? how did you know I was on this flight?"

"you told me you were coming today and since there are only two flights from your place everyday, I figured you had to be in one of them right? I just happened to be lucky that it was the earlier one, or I'd be waiting here for hours." he smiled.

Daniel was going to wait here to surprise you, for hours if he had to.

"wow daniel. that's so nice of you"

"oh it's nothing, dude. come on! my car's over there!"

he helped you load your suitcase into the trunk and you got into the car; Daniel was driving. You looked out of your window, admiring the unfamiliar, mysterious view. You already liked Canada so much.

Just a Slice of Life (Actually Stephen x Reader!)Where stories live. Discover now