~ twenty ~

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A couple of weeks go by and I finally settle into a routine, much like I had before I ever met CJ or began dating Lucas. I wake up and go to class in the mornings, grab lunch with Hannah (who actually considers this meal breakfast) and maybe Cass, if her schedule allows. Then I find a spot to study and get my homework done well in advance - I'm already beginning to make study guides for midterms, even. Lately, I've decided not to go to the Science Center, except for class. It would be too awkward, never mind painful, to run into CJ.

Mom called the day after I broke up with Lucas, in complete shock that I threw that opportunity away. When she asked me why, I gave her the only answer I knew she'd accept: I needed to refocus on school. Still unhappy about it, she dropped the topic by telling me there was always hope for a rekindling in the future. Once again I was filled with guilt, wondering if I'd really made the right decision, and feeling worse again that I'd lied to Mom. Hopefully, Lucas didn't share the real reason we broke up with his parents, I shutter, thinking of Mom's reaction if she found out the truth.

I bring myself back to the present and type away on my keyboard, wanting nothing more than to be finished with this Philosophy paper. "I thought you said Intro was interesting," I groan to Hannah, who isn't seeming to have much luck staying focused. She flicks some eraser shavings off her desk.

"I said interesting for a Philosophy class," Hannah giggles.

I shake my head, "Well, it isn't." The smell of books fills the old campus library, especially since we're at basement level - this is where they keep the archives. It's also the only place we could find space - as midterms approach, the campus study spots become crowded, more and more people needing a quiet place to get work done.

A dark head with glasses sticks out from behind a tall shelf full of textbooks on Astronomy. "Shh!" He hushes, pointing to a sign on the wall reminding library guests to be silent while they work. This is precisely why I never use the library - I've never been great at being completely quiet, especially not with Hannah.

She bites her lip to hold back a giggle and I roll my eyes, resuming my work on this paper. Stupid Kantian theory, I groan inwardly. Only two more pages to go.

I miss the Science Center. I rub my eyes, sore from staring at the laptop screen, wishing for an iced coffee and a pesto chicken sandwich.

I feel my phone vibrate and see a text from Hannah. I eye her curiously but she nods her head in the direction of our not so friendly shush-er behind the Astronomy shelf.

Han: Cassie's team is having a get together tonight. just the team and a couple friends. Want to go?

I shake my head, the last party when Cass and Hannah left me drunk and on my own filling my mind. Another lonely walk across campus in the middle of the night, isn't exactly my idea of fun. I smirk at the nickname she's given Cass now that they're dating, wondering just how much she hates it.

New message.

Han: it'll be a fun, last hoo-rah before midterms :(

I shake my head again, silently mouthing the word "No." She pouts, widening her blue eyes so she looks like a sad puppy. I ignore her, refocusing my attention on my paper. But five minutes pass and she's still staring with that pleading look on her face and it's too distracting for me to get work done.

"Fine, I'll go!" I finally give in, exasperation coloring my tone.

"Yay!" Hannah squeals, doing a little dance in her seat before quickly covering her mouth.

"Shh!" Another head pops out from the shelves and Hannah lets out a fit of giggles, getting us even more dirty looks from around the basement.

I sigh and collect my things into my backpack, "Oh, come on, let's get out of here before they ban us until after graduation."

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