~ twenty-two ~

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"I don't know why you're so nervous," I mumble, using my straw to mix the sugar into my iced coffee. "Thank you for this, by the way," I kiss CJ's cheek and feel my own flush bright red. Having a boyfriend who's on campus all the time is so different than it was with Lucas - the past few days I've felt so special, walking around holding CJ's hand. Like my own little romance movie. And it feels so normal, I feel so normal, for the first time, not consumed with anxious thoughts all of the time.

CJ blows out a huff of air dramatically and leans his head back in his chair. "What if they don't like me?"

It's different, to be the one reassuring him, for once. I smile at the cute pout on his face and shake my head. "CJ, have you ever even met someone who doesn't like you?"

"You, at first." He laughs, taking a sip from his hot coffee and burning his tongue. "Damn it,"

"Told ya, iced is better," I smirk smugly before continuing, "and I did like you. I just couldn't let you know that," CJ smiles brightly, popping his dimple, but the shaking of his leg is wobbling the whole table. "It'll be okay, I promise. They're great, and you're great, what's not to love?" I collect my books and my laptop, propping them on my hip as I say goog-bye. "I've got to get to Stats, but remember, five o'clock! Don't be late!" I point a finger at him sternly even though I'm only playing. He sends me off with a smile that makes my heart melt.

I fling my bag over my shoulder and head to Stats with a wide grin on my face for the first time ever. Not even Binomial Distributions can get me down, I nearly hum as I take my notes with multiple colored pens and highlighters. Surprisingly, my mind doesn't wander once the entire fifty minutes. It's like knowing I get to see CJ once I'm through with classes makes them more bearable, no matter how dull the content matter is.

We wrap up class a couple of minutes late by discussing the exam coming up on Thursday. "Remember, the midterm will be in the evening, six o'clock, and it won't be in our regular lecture room, it'll be down the hall in room 313." Professor says quickly, his bald head shining under the fluorescent lights. I make a reminder in my planner and circle it in bright pink highlighter so I don't forget.

"Can we use calculators?" A student asks from the back of the class and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. Most of the questions people ask are written out right in the syllabus, if they'd only care to just look at it once.

"Yes, of course. We only have a few extra, so do try to bring your own. Any other questions?" He waits a moment before dismissing us and wishing us good luck studying.

CJ is in class by the time I'm out of mine, so I use the time to get my homework done. CJ will be meeting Hannah and Cass tonight at dinner and even though I'm excited, I'd be lying if I didn't feel some of the same nerves CJ was feeling earlier. What if they don't get along? They're the three most important people I have on this campus, I don't want anything to mess that up. Sensing the worrisome direction my mind is headed in, I focus on my Statistics study guide and begin reviewing my detailed outlines of the exam chapters. Hopefully my lengthy pages of notes will keep my mind busy until CJ is out of class.


CJ's leg bounces frantically under the long dining hall table, rattling my silverware on my plate. I put my hand on his knee, my own irritation growing by the second. Cass and Hannah were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago. I check my phone for a message from either of them, but there's nothing. Where the heck are they? I scan the massive cafeteria for their faces, but other than a few people I recognize from my classes, I come up empty.

"I'm really sorry, I think Cass's practice must have run late." I assure CJ, well aware that she should have finished up over an hour ago. I double checked with Hannah this morning.

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