~ twenty-three ~

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CJ has the windows rolled down in his old pick up truck and the spring air blows warm against my face, freeing me of any worries about school, roommates, or otherwise. The sun is shining brightly against a cloudless blue sky, the temperature just right, and I savor each moment of sunshine on my skin. One of CJ's hands stays on the wheel, the other grips my thigh, and just knowing he's beside me is enough to calm me of anything the sunshine can't.

"You really won't tell me where we're going tomorrow?" I lean my head against the leather headrest, watching CJ's pretty face focusing on the road. The breeze from the window musses his shaggy dark hair, sending his smell wafting over to me.

CJ smirks, "Not a chance, it's a surprise." He gives my thigh a squeeze that sends butterflies crazy in my belly and I fight to keep a silly grin off my face.

My Thursday morning class was cancelled today - my professor has the flu. I'm always torn when I read my class cancellation emails - of course I don't want my professor to be sick, but any day I can get out of an 8 AM class is worth celebrating. So we are. CJ asked me to a picnic this afternoon after his shift. I agreed - I'll take any time I can get with him, but I also can't stand being in the same room as Hannah at the moment. Neither she or Cass have apologized for how they treated CJ and I don't intend to be the first to give in. Not this time.

"Whatcha thinking about over there?" CJ's hazel eyes flicker to me and back to the road. In such a short time, he's learned to read me better than anyone, knowing my moods before I've even made sense of them.

"This picnic I packed," I lie, rubbing my stomach. "I'm starving,"

CJ chuckles and doesn't push the subject, like I knew he wouldn't. "We're almost there, hang in there just a little bit longer."

I reach over to the dash and turn up the country radio station, smiling as CJ hums along to a song I showed him just last week. "See it's not so bad," I nudge him.

"Oh it is," CJ's brilliant smile grows, his dimple forming a deep pocket in his cheek. "But you like it, so." He trails off and shrugs simply.

I turn my face back out to the window, smiling as the wind hits my face.

The sound of tires crunching against gravel comes through the window as CJ pulls to the side of the road, lined by a thick tree line that makes my stomach flop. "Where exactly are we going?" I grab my backpack, filled to the brim with goodies for us to enjoy, and stare at CJ suspiciously.

He rolls his eyes playfully and points to a sign tacked to a tree. "Relax, Kat. It's just a hiking trail with a great view," he kisses my cheek as he passes me to close my door. Then he extends his hand for me to take, leading me through the dense forest and to a dirt path.

Taking the backpack from me, CJ helps me navigate the trail, pointing out loose stones and tree branches that I might trip over, his hand never far from my body in case I fall and need catching. After about a half hour, we reach the high light of the trail - a grassy ledge overlooking a large trickling stream down the woodsy hill, giving us a breathtaking view through the trees.

I stand on the edge, feeling my nerves grow as I look down to the rocks below. Bringing my eyeline up, I take in the beauty around me and smile at CJ. "Thanks for taking me here,"

Kneeling on the ground to spread our blanket, he smiles up at me wordlessly. I take a seat beside him once the blanket is straightened out and begin unpacking our food. I bought sandwiches from the cafe, some fruit and veggies with ranch dip, and some baked items. Probably too many of those, I notice, unloading another brownie, but I like sweets and so does CJ.

We eat and chat about our families. He tells me about his younger brother and the games they'd play when their parents left the house, chasing each other around like mad men. "That's the hard part I guess," he mumbles, sadness twinging his tone. "I always wonder what he'd be like if he was still here, you know? If he got the chance to grow up?"

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