~ sixteen ~

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I twirl my pen between my fingers. This is a Statistics class, I scold myself, I should be using a pencil. I roll my eyes as the professor drones on and on about the syllabus and the importance of being on time on exam days.

The rest of winter break came and went without another visit to CJ, and without seeing Cass and Hannah despite my efforts. Hannah doesn't have classes on Mondays, so she won't be in the dorm until later this evening. I've been trying to go about my day normally, as if I'm not keeping an eye out for CJ in between classes. Although, I could really use one of his pep talks right about now. I let out a deep sigh that makes the boy next to me glance in my direction.

Mom and I got in another argument about Biochemistry on the drive back to school. She wants me to retake it immediately and I'm not sure if I can or not, but I told her the school won't allow me to retake it yet. The lie came so easily, I even surprised myself. Still, Mom is furious and it took hours of convincing to get her to not call the school herself.

Lucas, on the other hand, moved back into his dorm and started his internship last week. It's going well and his bosses adore him already. Surprise, surprise. He's called me everyday since he's been back at school, bursting with interesting stories and positive thoughts for me. I instinctually grab the little diamond around my neck, remembering how he kissed me when he gave it to me.

I watch the hands on the clock as they slowly tick, tick, tick on by. At 11:50, I stack my books and grab my phone from my bag, ready to head to the cafe. I tell myself it's because I'm hungry, which I am, but in actuality it's because it's where I'm most likely to run into CJ and I really, really want to see him. Even if it is bad for me.

I take the stairs two at a time and find the perfect spot - a two person table in a quiet corner. I make a show out of taking out my notebooks, looking over the syllabi with multiple colored highlighters, and filling important dates into my planner. But in between each task, I find my eyes darting around the building, waiting to see that familiar face.


I smile at the voice, even if it wasn't the one I was hoping for. "Cass, how are you? How was break?" We meet in a short hug.

She slings her duffel bag to the ground, pulling out the other chair and slumping into it. "It was good," she smooths her flaming red hair into a pony tail. "I dunno, I fought with Hannah a lot." She looks to me as if I might have an answer to their problems. I almost gawk at Cassandra's unusual display of vulnerability but I hold it together long enough to ask if she's okay. She nods. "I just want things back to normal." I give her a pat on the arm, thinking the same thing - I miss my friends.

My phone vibrates on the table and I grab it immediately. "Things going okay with Lucas?" Cass nods at the phone.

I bite my lip when I see the message is from CJ. "Lucas is great," I nod my head enthusiastically.

She smiles somberly at me. I remind myself to sit down and really talk to Hannah once she's on campus - whatever is going on, it can't be good.

CJ: Back on campus? Let's go get dinner later

Instantly, I think that I should say no. I'm dating Lucas and I have things to do - it's the first night of the semester, I should be getting organized and even getting ahead in some classes, if I can. But before I can even deliberate too long, my fingers type out a message asking him to pick me up at six.


"So chocolate, huh?" CJ makes a face of mock disgust as I take a big slurp of my milkshake.

"What's wrong with chocolate?" I raise my brows at him.

CJ shrugs. "Vanilla is better to dip fries in," He smiles, dimples and all, as he steals fries off of my plate and dunks them into his own shake. I playfully swat at his hand, but let him take all that he wants.

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