~ twenty-one ~

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I wake the next morning stiff and uncomfortable. It's early - the house is still dark, and it takes me a minute to get my bearings. A dull ache in my head reminds me of the three drinks I had, the last much stronger than the rest.

I groan as I sit up, the floor having probably not been the best place to fall asleep. Groggily, I take in my surroundings, noticing the empty cups and chip bowls strewn about between sleeping bodies. I guess there wasn't many other options, I rub my head, sore from the hardwood.

I reach for my phone to check the time and the hazy memory of last night hits me. "Oh no," I whisper, pulling up my recent call log. "Oh no, oh no, oh no," I repeat, realizing the calls I made to CJ weren't part of some alcohol induced dream.

Hannah stirs beside me. "Kat?"

"Shh, go back to sleep." I pat her shoulder and let her know I'm headed out to get breakfast. It's only 5:30 but I'll wait outside if I have to, I just need to find CJ.

She mumbles to herself before falling back to sleep, snuggled in close to Cassandra.

I find my shoes and denim jacket by the door amidst all the other girls things and make my way back onto campus. The volleyball apartment is only a few minutes away, especially if you're rushing. The Science Center sits atop the hill on the outskirts of campus, glistening white in the early morning light and I quicken my pace, nerves propelling me forward.

I sigh as I tug at the tall glass door, not even budging it a little. The Cafe opens at 8:30, the building opens... when? I wrack my brain for the schedule but come up empty. Still determined, I take a seat on the bench outside, the morning dew dampening my sweats, hoping to catch CJ as he heads into work for the day.

After what seems like forever, a familiar voice jolts me from my half asleep state. "Kat? Are you alright? What're you doing out here?"

I look up into the sun to see CJ staring down at me. "I'm fine," I mutter quickly, blinking sleep from my eyes and standing to face him. "Well, actually, I'm not." I admit, meeting his green-brown eyes. "I'm so sorry, CJ. For everything, but specifically, for blowing up your phone last night. I was drinking, but that's no excuse."

I stare at my feet, not knowing what to say that'll make him forgive me.

He shrugs. "I guess I did tell you to call me the next time you were drinking, huh?" He chuckles and I remember his words following my first ever party last semester.

"Still, I know you want your space and I respect that." My cheeks flush with embarrassment.

"It's fine, Kat. Really. I'm glad you're okay," he turns to head into the building.

Before I think it through, I call after him. "Hey, CJ?"

His tall frame faces me again, "Yeah?"

"I broke up with Lucas."

His brows come together in thought before he smiles sadly. "I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm not," I take a few steps towards him. "You asked me what I wanted and I didn't know, or at least I thought I didn't. But this whole time, what I've really wanted is you. And I just wanted to tell you." My voice is surprisingly firm, and my ever worried mind is finally calm.

CJ is quiet before he finally breaks out into my favorite, one-dimpled smile. He looks down at me, so close I want to reach up and kiss him, but I resist the urge. "Thanks for telling me." He finally says.

My heart sinks as my mind asks me what I expected to happen. Remembering his persistence the first few times we met, I decide to push on, finally ready to go after what I want. "If you'll let me, I'd like to pick you up from work today. There's someone I want you to meet,"

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