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It's Christmas Eve and I've finally gotten all of my gift shopping done, just in the nick of time, despite all the crowds at the mall. Mom and I always get each other a few big gifts, because we don't really have anyone else to splurge on. But this year, Lucas's family invited us to their Christmas Eve party, so I had to get him a gift too. Plus, Mom asked me to grab a housewarming gift for them, never wanting to be the one to show up empty-handed.

Lucas's family goes all out with their celebrations - they hire a decorator, a caterer, you name it. The food is always delicious, the attire lavish, it's like something out of a movie. I'm never quite sure what to bring to something so fancy, so I stopped by a wine store on the way home and asked the clerk for something classy. Hopefully they know what they're talking about, I sigh as I unlock the front door, kicking snow off my boots as I enter.

As it turns out, buying gifts for men is difficult. Lucas and I only really just starting talking again, and I can't tell what he would want. He has pretty much everything, already. I ended up getting him a nice leather wallet with a gift card inside for a coffee chain near his school. Lucas is like me - he spends a lot of hours he should be sleeping to study, accompanied by copious amounts of caffeine to keep him going.

I couldn't show up without a gift for Sarah, either. Having run out of time trying to find Lucas a gift, I chose a yummy scented candle and some nice wool socks. Better than nothing.

"Mom?" I call up the stairs once I set my shopping bags on the floor. I hear the faint sound of a shower running and decide I have enough time to wrap her gifts.

I pull out the first, a silver charm bracelet that I've added a couple charms to. The charms are just simple silver ones, a heart that says Mom on it and a little Christmas tree to be festive, but I know she'll enjoy adding more to the collection on her own. I roll out the green and red foil, using minimal tape to get the gift immaculately wrapped. I'm an expert gift wrapper, if I do say so myself.

Next is an embroidered clutch I saw her eyeing at the store the other day. Mom loves bags but she actually has too many. She never gets them on her own, so I always make sure to feed her addiction around the holidays. I got her a candle set that I know she loves - grape scent, they don't often carry it in stores, so I was lucky to find it. Finally, I throw some wool socks into a gift bag, stuffing the bag with candy-cane tissue paper to finish the look. Mom's also a feen for socks, even if I don't understand why. I wonder if it's a "mom" thing - you pop out a baby and love getting socks as gifts.

I gently place her packages under the tree before I wrap up Lucas's present to bring to their house tonight. I haven't seen Lucas's parents since high school, with the exception of waving at them from the driveway here and there. I wonder what Lucas has told them about me, trying not to think of what CJ is doing for the holidays. Surely he can't be staying alone in his apartment on Christmas?

Once I hear the water stop running in Mom's bathroom, I hop into the shower down the hall, thinking of my outfit. I bought a cranberry colored dress, made of soft velvet. It's got a sweetheart neckline and three quarter length sleeves, with a flowing skirt that hits a couple inches above the knee. Although I don't enjoy wearing them, there's no way I could go to Lucas's family party without heels, so I also grabbed a simple, nude pair with a strap over the toes, and some cranberry nail polish for my toenails.

I'm not the best with makeup, so I'll probably keep it simple - some black eyeliner, mascara and lipgloss. I won't have time to blow dry and curl my hair, I groan, so I might as well let it air dry in big, messy waves.

Mom knocks on the door, "Honey, you've been in there awhile. Gotta get out soon or we'll be late," she shouts through the cracked door, the fresh smell of her perfume filling the steamy air.

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