~ twenty-four ~

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The next morning, I find myself sobbing in Professor Lynch's office, too devastated and guilty to even care what a blubbering mess I'm making of myself.

"Kat, take a deep breath." The older woman hands me a box of tissues and patiently waits for my incoherent sobs to turn into intelligible sentences. As far as advisors go, Professor Lynch is a great one.

"I... missed... my... exam," I hiccup between cries. "I'll get... a zero..."

Professor Lynch eyes me over her large glasses carefully. "Kat do you need someone to talk to? These past couple of semesters have been very difficult for you." She folds her hands under her chin and watches me intently.

I feel the blush burning my cheeks, my shame and embarrassment on full display. "I don't know what to do anymore," I admit, taking one of the tissues she offered and dabbing my nose.

"Well, practically speaking, even with a zero, you can still pass Statistics." Professor Lynch says calmly.

I shake my head and blurt out "I don't want to! I hate Statistics and I hate Chemistry, and Physics" I'm nearly shouting but Professor Lynch only watches me with caring eyes while I rant. "I hate it, I can't do this anymore." I sink my head into my hands and quietly confess. "I want to drop Stats. I don't want to be Pre-Med anymore,"

I gasp at my own admission, instantly feeling the guilt lodging itself in my throat. "I didn't mean that," I immediately take the statement back, imagining the horror Mom would feel right now, if only she could see and hear me.

"Kat." Professor Lynch waits until I meet her eyes. "I think you meant it. Look how distressed you are. Talk to me, let's figure this out." She rests a wrinkled hand on my forearm and finally, the last of my resolve crumbles.

"You're right," I whisper, my throat dry. "What do I do now?"


"I planned on bringing you anyway," CJ carefully leads me down a dirt path, keeping my eyes blindfolded to draw out the surprise. "But now, it can be a congratulations for finally dropping pre-med," he chuckles.

"CJ," I groan, firmly gripping his hand for support. "I don't know that dropping pre-med is a reason to celebrate. My mom's going to kill me."

"Not tonight she isn't." CJ argues. "And besides, finally going after what you really want is definitely something to celebrate."

I don't reply, instead focusing on keeping my balance while wearing this blindfold. Finally, CJ pulls me to a stop. "Okay, stay here." I do as I'm told and wait. "Surprise, Kat." CJ pulls the blindfold from my eyes and I gasp at the carnival lit up in front of me.

Carnival music plays as the rides flash their neon lights brightly, fairground games all calling for contestants. "CJ, how?" I smile at him adoringly, knowing that the fair is definitely closed at this hour.

"I know a guy," CJ shrugs, smiling brightly. "Speaking of," he looks past me and to a man in a dark hoody by the entrance. My chest tightens anxiously as I watch CJ jog up to the man, his wallet in his hand. They interact quickly, CJ slipping the man some cash, but I can't escape the feeling that the guy is bad news.

"Ready?" CJ grins hugely at me, hand extended.

"I don't know CJ, this is kind of a big deal. We could get in trouble," I fidget from foot to foot, nervous energy coursing through me.

"C'mon Kat, when's the next time you'll have the whole carnival to yourself?" His smile melts right through me and I cave in, following him through the entrance excitedly. "What do you want to do first?" CJ pulls me close to his side as we walk down the rows of games, the lively atmosphere so different when no one else is around.

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