"It's happening!"

910 43 16

"I'm Seoyun." She smiled.
Felix' mouth widened.

This can't be

Felix thought. "How did you come up here if you can't walk?" Chris asked. "My best friend Seungmin, this guy, gave me a piggyback ride." She said as she leaned back a little, so that he could see Seungmin. Seungmin waved at him, smiling as Chris smiled back.

That guy is also attractive, what the-

"Is Chris your nickname?" Seoyun asked as she sat up, grabbing the cold pack to put it on her ankle again.
"Ah, yes. My full name is Christopher Chan Bang." He answered.
"Oh, are you Korean?" Seoyun asked.
"Yeah." He laughed.
"Wait, I've never come to ask you that. Felix, you're Korean too, right?" Seoyun asked Felix, who was still standing. He nodded, finally sitting down as well, so that they sat in a small circle. They talked a lot, getting to know each other until Chris was called by his friend.
"Okay, I'll go back to my friends then, it was nice to meet you!" He said, smiling once again as they smiled back. "What a nice guy." Seoyun said, gaining a nod from Seungmin.
At some point, Seoyun stared at Felix, who was silently pulling out blades of grass.
"Felix, are you okay?" Seoyun asked, furrowing her brows. He looked up, nodding. Now, all three were looking at him.
"What happened, Felix?" Grace asked concernedly, putting a hand on his knee.
"Nothing, I'm fine, really." He said.
"I don't believe you." Grace said. He looked to the side. "Fine, can I talk to Seoyun?" He nervously gave in.
"Sure." Seungmin said, standing up as Grace did the same. They walked away, starting to talk.

"To be honest, I kinda ship them." Grace said, smiling as she looked at them.
"Really? I thought I was the only one!" Seungmin exclaimed.
"But it doesn't really look like things are going well between these two.." Grace said, furrowing her brows as she saw how Felix nervously looked down, constantly twirling his shoelace around his finger.

"Okay, what's up?" Seoyun asked.
"I was kinda sad because.." Felix started off, trying to find the right words.
"Because..?" Seoyun said.
"Because when you noticed that you would sit next to me in the bus, I saw that your shoulders sank and that made me feel kinda like.. you didn't like me." He honestly stated.
"Oh no Felix!" She said, taking him into her embrace.

"What the fuck, Seungmin it's happening!" Grace exclaimed, hitting his shoulder repeatedly.
"Oh my god!" His eyes widened.

"You know, I just like sitting by the window, it's a weird trait of mine. I wasn't upset because you were sitting next to me, but because the two of them took the seats next to the windows." She said after letting him go, smiling. "You're a really nice guy Felix, it wasn't about you at all." She reassured him.
"Oh. I'm sorry, I understood that the wrong way." He said, finally smiling again while scratching his neck.
"It's okay." Seoyun smiled back.
"You two can come back!" She yelled.

Grace gave Seungmin a 'you know what's up' look, winking. They joined Felix and Seoyun again, sitting down.

"Can you stand up or does it still hurt?" Felix asked. "Wait, I'll try." Seoyun said.
She stood up, standing on one leg before trying to tread carefully with the other, starting to limp. "Well, I can at least walk on my own now." She laughed. "I still wouldn't limp all the way back though." Felix said as he looked up to her, since he was still sitting. "It's fine." She said, sitting down again.
"It's getting pretty chilly up here." Seungmin changed the topic.
"I know right?" Grace agreed, shivering.
"I'll be right back." Seoyun said, grabbing the cold pack as she stood up, trying to walk to Mrs. Yang to give it back to her.

"How is your ankle doing?" Her teacher asked as she wrapped the cold pack up in a small towel. "I can walk on my own, but it hurts." Seoyun said, looking down at her ankle.
"That's not good at all. It isn't swollen right?" She asked, to which Seoyun shook her head.
Mrs. Yang thought about a solution.
"I actually don't want you to limp the whole way back." She stated. In that moment, Ms. Wilson joined them. "How's your ankle?" She asked. "I can limp, but it hurts." Seoyun answered. "I told her that I don't want to let her limp back like that, but I haven't got a good solution." She told Ms. Wilson.
"Someone needs to support her on the way back." Ms. Wilson said. "It's fine, I can really walk on my own-" Seoyun started, but her teacher interrupted her. "Seoyun, it will take around 45 minutes to get back, your pain will worsen if you try to walk for such a long time!" Her teacher warned her.
"Who is the fittest person here?" Mrs. Yang suddenly asked as she looked around.
"Why?" Seoyun asked hesitantly with her eyes slightly widened.
"We need someone to help you and it's quite illogical to pick someone who gets out of breath quickly." Mrs. Yang explained.
"Mrs. Yang, it's really fine, I don't want to cause any trouble-" Seoyun denied the idea, but she was, once again, interrupted.
"Seoyun, you still have more than a week to go, we don't want you to miss anything because we let you walk around like that." Mrs. Yang said. "Chris is the most athletic student in my class. Oh, and he always tries to help everyone no matter what." Ms. Wilson said, nodding towards Chris' direction. "That's also why everyone chose him as the class president, I'm sure he'll gladly help you." She explained.
"Chris!" She called him as Seoyun squinted her eyes shut.

Oh god, now he's going to think I am overdramatic.

Chris jogged over to them, asking what the matter was.
"Seoyun can't walk properly, so she needs to be supported. You're the most athletic person, so I decided to ask you." Ms. Wilson explained.

"What's taking her so long?" Seungmin asked as he turned around. "Wait, why is Chris there too?"
Felix now turned around as well, furrowing his brows at the sight of Chris and Seoyun talking to the teachers.

"Of course!" Chris smiled at Seoyun.
"Thanks a lot, Chris." Ms. Wilson said, smiling before going away with Mrs. Yang. Seoyun now fully faced Chris.
"I swear Chris I'm so so sorry, I told them I could walk back on my own, but they kept insisting on the idea that someone needed to help me-" She was interrupted once again.
"Calm down, I'm glad I can help you." Chris laughed.
"We barely know each other and I'm already such a burden to you, you really don't have to do this." Seoyun said.
"It's not a problem for me, seriously calm down." He said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Grace' eyes widened as she looked at Seungmin, biting her lip before directing her gaze at Felix. Seungmin's eyes widened as well, analyzing Felix' expressions.
Suddenly, he turned around emotionlessly, so that his back was facing Seoyun and Chris.
Afterwards, he turned to his backpack to take out his bottle of water. Grace furrowed her brows, facing Seungmin who just shrugged with raised eyebrows.

"We are leaving! Pack your things." Mrs. Yang yelled. Seoyun sighed, giving in. She went back to her friends, grabbing her bag.
As they started to walk back, Chris went to Seoyun. "Give me your backpack." Seoyun said.
"Thank you." Chris said before handing it over to her. Firstly, she put on hers and then his.
He bent forward, signalizing her to get on his back.

Oh dear god, this is awkward.

After she climbed onto his back, he held her legs before starting to walk.
"You really don't have to do this, Chris." She said. "Seoyun really, it's okay." He said, but she still felt guilty.

Felix watched them closely.

Is she feeling uncomfortable?

"I have a question." Seoyun said. "Go on." Chris said, watching where he was stepping.
"Can I call you Chan?" Seoyun asked.
"Sure. In fact, now that I think about it, nobody calls me Chan." He laughed.
At some point, out of consideration for Chris, the teacher said that they would take a little break. He let her down, moving his shoulders in a circling motion.
"Chan, I really don't know how to thank you." Seoyun said. "No problem." He smiled.
After a few minutes, the teachers said that they were going to continue.

Suddenly, someone came up to them from behind.

"I can carry her from now on."

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