"I also like you.. a lot."

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"Oh? What is it?" Grace asked, visibly nervous.

"I know this is a really inelegant way, but.. I've liked you for really long now and I felt the need to tell you.. because I can see that you and Minho get along really well and I just wanted to get it off my chest."


"R-really..?" Grace was taken aback. Suddenly, she felt bad for unintentionally hurting him.

"Chris I.. I'm sorry if I've hurt you, that was never my intention!" She said, to which Chris waved with his hand.

"You didn't do anything, just know that I'll always be there if you need me, okay? I think it's time for me to hang up then.. have fun!" He said, visibly relieved.

"T-thank you.." Grace said before he hung up. She let her hand with the phone in it fall onto the bed with wide eyes. Suddenly, she turned to Seoyun.

"Did you know about it..?" She asked and Seoyun hesitantly nodded.

"What am I going to do now..?" She desperately asked.

"I think Chan looks way happier than he was during the time you didn't know about it.. You should really just do what your heart desires." Seoyun said.

"I-I would, but I don't know what I want because.." she looked to the side, biting her lip.

"I've liked Chris as well.."

Seoyun's eyes widened.

"What?!" She shook her head in confusion. "Until when?"

"Actually, right when you arrived here I stopped.."

Seoyun's eyes widened even more as she sat up straight.

"You've stopped liking him because of Minho?"

Grace closed her eyes, slowly nodding. Seoyun still looked at her in complete disbelief, not moving a single muscle.

"I.. I don't know what to say.." Seoyun said, letting her back hit the pillows again in shock.

"What do I do?" Grace asked desperately.

"Let me ask you like this.. who were you more interested in?"

Grace looked at her wall while getting lost in her thoughts.

"I've liked Chris for both his personality and his looks.. I think Minho is really charming and charismatic, he's also done a few things that made my heart jump, but I just know Chris better.." she said, still not sure about what her exact answer was.

"Then let me put it like this. Who would you be happier with if they asked you to be their girlfriend?" Seoyun asked.

"I don't know.." Grace let herself fall onto her mattress. "No one has confessed to me before, I'm not really sure of what Im feeling right now." She said, her voice muffled due to her talking into her bedsheets.

"Do you want to sleep to clear your mind a little?" Seoyun asked, leaning over to her to place her hand on Grace' shoulder.

"I'm not going to ruin our girl's night!" Grace suddenly said, full of energy again.

"O-oh, okay" Seoyun laughed.

They started looking through the catalog again, choosing a movie to watch. But eventually, they fell asleep next to each other..



Grace rubbed her eyes, furrowing her brows as she looked out of the window, realizing that it was dark outside. She turned to Seoyun, who was sound asleep on her shoulder. Suddenly, Chris came up in her mind, making her sink deep into her thoughts. At some point, she shook her head, trying to fall asleep again as a foolish thought popped up in her mind. But unfortunately, the idea didn't leave her, causing her to sigh in frustration.


I can't believe I still can't sleep, it's been an hour.

Grace thought.

Is it possible that I still.. like Chris?

She felt like she was falling for him all over again.

All the time they had spent together crept into her head, all the jokes they made, all the unforgettable sceneries they had seen together.. but most importantly,

all the smiles he had shown her.

Suddenly, she made up her mind in frustration.
Carefully taking Seoyun's head to place it on the pillow, she asked herself if she really wanted to do what had come to her mind.
Doing her best to remain quiet, she quickly changed into a pair of sweatpants, grabbing her phone and her wallet before heading to the corridor with a tingling feeling in her stomach. Putting on her shoes, she quietly left the house, feeling a breeze of relatively warm air hitting her face.

Everything's going to be fine..

With that thought, she started making her way to Chris' house..
Here I am..

She took out her phone with a shaky hand, nervously dialing Chris' number. Surprisingly, he didn't sound sleepy at all.

"G-Grace..? What's up?" He picked up the call.

"Hey Chris.. I.. I want to talk to you. It sounds creepy, but I'm in front of your house.." she nervously laughed.

"What? O-okay, I'll be right there!" He said, hanging up.

Grace wrapped her arms around herself to warm up a little. Suddenly, the front door opened and Grace' eyes lit up at the sight of Chris stepping outside. For some reason, she felt relieved, smiling as she felt her tense body relax. He came closer, flashing her a little smile before speaking up.

"What brought you here? Is everything okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Everything's fine, I just wanted to tell you something.." she answered.

"Oh, okay.. what is it?" He nervously asked.

"Chris, I.. I also like you.. a lot."

She lowered her head, looking to the side.

"What?" His eyes widened. "You're joking, right?" He said, starting to laugh out of happiness as he covered his mouth with both of his hands. She looked at him again, smiling as she shook her head. Extending her arms, she signalized him to go in for a hug. He crashed his body against hers, hugging Grace tightly as he squinted his eyes shut. Chris rocked them from side to side, not loosening the hug. They stayed silent, simply enjoying each other's company. But at some point, Chris let go of her, placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I.. I thought you liked Minho, though..?"

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