"Heads up!"

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She took her hoodie and put it on along with her shoes before she quietly left the tent, making her way to Felix, who was sitting on one of the logs. He abruptly looked up, probably scared, but he calmed down again after recognizing Seoyun.
"What are you doing he- Did you cry?" Seoyun asked with a low voice after she had sat down next to him. Felix looked down, not wanting her to see him cry.
"Felix, what happened?" Seoyun asked concernedly. He buried his hands in his hair. She ran a hand up and down his back, trying to comfort him even though she didn't know what was going on.
"I had such a horrible dream." Felix said, not looking up.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Seoyun asked, to which Felix shook his head. He didn't want to remember anything he saw in that dream, but the worst parts of it repeatedly appeared in his head, not leaving him alone.
Suddenly, he started sobbing silently, covering his face with his hands. Seoyun couldn't watch him cry like that, it made her heart ache like never before. She wrapped her arms around his body, holding him close as he put his head onto her shoulder. Raising one of her hands, she put it onto his hair, lightly stroking it in a comforting manner. At some point, his breath slowed down to a normal pace and he let his shoulders sink, visibly relaxing. The sobs got weaker and weaker, until he was completely silent, just breathing. Seoyun looked down, seeing that he had closed his eyes. "Felix? Are you sleeping?" She asked, whispering, but there was no answer.

I can't stay like this until the others wake up..

She lightly shook his shoulder, making him wake up abruptly. He opened his eyes, which were still red. "I'm sorry.." He sleepily said as he sat up. "It's okay, do you want to go to sleep now?" She asked and he nodded as an answer.
Both of them stood up, but before they could walk to their tents, Felix stopped and turned around. "Seoyun" he started. She turned around as well, facing him with a questioning look. Suddenly, he went over to her, slowly wrapping his arms around her.

"Thank you."

Seoyun smiled as she hugged him back, closing her eyes. "No problem." She said, looking up at him as she slowly loosened the hug. He let his arms fall as well.

"Sleep well." Seoyun said before walking back.


"Fuck this alarm!" Seoyun hissed, turning it off. She laid down again with one eye open.
Reluctantly turning to her bag, she grabbed her clothes to go and change. After she did so, she went to the circle of logs, where a few students and the teachers had already been sitting.
"Good morning, Seoyun." Mrs. Yang smiled.
"Good morning!" Seoyun smiled back as she sat down. After a few minutes, Seungmin came out of the dressing rooms as well, bringing his pajamas back to his tent. He came to where Seoyun was, sitting down next to her. "Hey." She smiled. He smiled back, waving with one hand as he rubbed his eye with the other.
Soon enough, the rest of the students were there as well. Then, Ms. Wilson started speaking.
"You will have free time today. But we will do a campfire at 9PM, so make sure that we can start at that time." She said. Then, everyone stood up to have breakfast.
"My arms are so sore." Seoyun said, sighing.
"Mine too." Grace said tiredly.
"Okay, what are we going to do now?" Seoyun asked as they came back from having breakfast.
"I don't know- Oh wait, Felix brought uno with him!" Seungmin said. "Oh, I completely forgot about that!" Felix said, running to his tent and coming back with the uno package in his hand a minute after.
"Let's call a few more people to play with us!" Grace said and the rest of them agreed as they sat down. "Han, Minho! Come here!" Seoyun yelled. Both of them jogged to the group. "What's up?" Han asked. "Do you want to play uno with us?" Seungmin asked. "Hell yes!" Han said, sitting down excitedly. "Chris!" Felix called him. He jogged over to them as well, asking what the matter was. "Play uno with us!" Felix said. "Sure!" He enthusiastically said, sitting down. Felix started to shuffle the cards, giving them out after that. Han started laughing. "I'll rip all of you apart."
They started off with a red nine, not putting down their good cards yet. Until Minho put down a 4+ card. Han fake gasped, putting down a 4+ card as well. Then, Seoyun did exactly the same and Seungmin let his shoulders sink. "I swear I hate all of you." He said, drawing 12 cards. "Which color?" Seungmin asked. Seoyun took a look at her cards, saying that she wanted red. He put down a red six and then it was Grace' turn. She put down a red 2+ card and Felix added a blue 2+ card. Then, Chris added another blue 2+ and so on, until it stopped at Seungmin again.
"Are you fucking kidding me" he said, looking at the big pack of cards. He drew another 12 cards, barely able to hold all of them in his hands. "Fuck you" he added, making everyone laugh. At some point, Minho said uno and everyone was focused on making him lose, but they couldn't as he put down a 4+ when it was his turn again. They played a lot more rounds of uno, but they wouldn't have thought that it would be that much fun. Soon, the teachers called them for dinner.
"Woah, I haven't laughed like that for a while now." Seoyun said and the others agreed.


"Let's play something else." Chris said after they came back from having dinner.
"What do you want to play?" Han asked.
"What do you think of heads up?" Chris asked.
"Oh, I love that game!" Felix said.
"Okay, Chris go away so that we can pick a character for you." Seungmin said, making Chris stand up and leave.
"Who are we going to pick?" Grace asked. Felix thought hard, and suddenly got an idea.
"We watched Thor Ragnarok a while ago, let's pick Thor!" Felix said. "Oh, thats a good idea!" Seoyun said. "Wait, I'll get paper." Grace said, standing up. She came back with a pen and a few sheets. Ripping off a piece of the paper, she wrote down Chris' character.
"You can come back!" Seungmin said.
Chris came back, sitting down. "Now you go away, Felix." Grace said.
"Let's pick Eggman for him." Seoyun said, making everyone laugh. "That's a good one!" Grace said, writing it down before calling Felix.
"Now you go." Seungmin said to Grace.
"She told me she liked Barbie as a kid, let's pick Barbie." Felix said and the others agreed.
He wrote it down and called Grace.
Then, Seungmin stood up, leaving.
"Homer Simpson." Seoyun said and Grace wrote it down. Seungmin was called and Seoyun left. "She likes anime!" Seungmin said.
"What's her favorite anime?" Han asked.
"She told me she liked Haikyuu and Naruto the most."
"She has taste, let's pick Nishinoya or Sasuke!" Minho said.
"I'd pick Nishinoya, she doesn't stop talking about this guy." Seungmin said and the others agreed. "Okay, wait." Grace said, writing it down. "Come back!" She yelled. Then, Han left.
"Iron man." Minho said and Grace wrote it down. Han came back and lastly, Minho left.
"Squidward!" Han said and Grace wrote it down after chuckling. "Come back!" Han yelled. Minho sat down again and everyone was given their paper.
"Who wants to start?" Seoyun asked.
"Me!" Grace said. "Am I a fictional character?" Everyone nodded. "Am I for kids?" She asked and everyone nodded once again.
"Do I have brown hair?" "Nope" Seoyun answered. Then, it was Seungmin's turn. "Am I real?" He asked and everyone shook their head.
"Am I fictional?" Seoyun asked. "Yes." Minho said. "Uhm.. do people usually like me?" Han nodded. "Am I female?" "Nope" Chris answered. "Am I real?" Han asked. "No" Grace said. "Am I fictional?" Minho asked and everyone nodded. "Am I male?" Everyone nodded again. "Am I someone in a show for children?" And everyone nodded once again.
"Do I like the show?" "Yeah" Han answered.
"Am I from Spongebob Squarepants?" Minho asked. "Yeah." Seoyun said. "Why the fuck is he so good at this?" Chris asked, making Minho laugh. "Am I Patrick?" "Nope." Grace said.
They played on and on, until one of them finally got their character right.
"Am I Squidward?" Minho asked. "Yes!" Chris said. Minho started yelling. "Why didn't I get it sooner?!" Everyone started laughing.
"Am I Eggman?" Felix asked. "Yes!" Seoyun said. "Who the fuck picked Eggman for me?" He laughed and Han pointed at Seoyun, who was laughing sheepishly.
The rest of them continued, until Seoyun got her character right as well.
"Am I Nishinoya?" She cautiously asked.
"Yes!" Grace answered. "Thank god" Seoyun sighed. One after another, everyone got their character, until Grace eventually lost. "Fuck this game." She said, ripping her paper apart.

"It's time for the campfire!" Mrs. Yang said, gathering all the students.

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