"Horror stories"

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"I'll get my blanket." Seoyun said, standing up.
Seungmin did the same, going to his tent.
Grace and Felix already went to the circle where a few students had been sitting already.
Grace unnoticeably looked at Felix, not sure if she should point out a certain topic that she had been thinking about all day. She looked away again, biting her lip.
"Felix" she started. He looked at her. "Yeah?"

"Why did you cry tonight?"

His eyes widened. "W-what?" He said, visibly shocked.
"I woke up as I noticed that Seoyun left the tent and you were crying. What happened?" She asked. He looked away. "I had a dream that really got to me.." he said, not looking into Grace' eyes. "Do you want to talk about it?" She asked. He thought about it for a while. "It was about a plane crash, and all of you were in the plane. E-everyone died and I was the only one who survived, but I couldn't move.. I couldn't close my eyes either, so I just saw all of the-" he stopped talking, shivering.
"You don't need to talk about it.." Grace said, putting a hand on his back.
"Is there a specific thing that made you cry, or was it just the dream in general?" Grace cautiously asked. "I think it was the fact that I saw all of my friends dead and that I just couldn't move. I was sitting there on my seat without a single wound and I couldn't do anything, I couldn't even look away." He explained. "I have another question.. who was the person that was the closest to you?" She asked. "It was Chris.." he answered. "I see.." Grace said, but then Seoyun and Seungmin came back. Seoyun sat next to Grace, smiling.

"Ms. Wilson and I are going to read out real horror stories to you. We've bought a few packs of marshmallows for the campfire, we will give each pair of two one of the sticks." Mrs. Yang explained as she started giving them out.

"Counting from here, Minho would have to be a pair with Changbin and Han would have to be one with Seoyun, is that okay?" Mrs. Yang asked. "Sure" Han said and the rest agreed.
Han and Seoyun thanked their teacher as she handed them a stick. Then, Ms. Wilson let the package be given around so that everyone could have two marshmallows. Soon enough, Mrs. Yang wanted to start telling the story, but before she did that, Ms. Wilson said that she would be back in a minute and that Mrs. Yang should already start telling the story.

"This is something that happened to my sister. Once, she went camping with her husband and her two children. They had lots of fun, but that wasn't the case anymore after a while. Because suddenly, one of her children disappeared. She desperately tried to find her son who had been 8 years old at that time. Her husband called the police and they searched for him as well. Though they tried their best, they couldn't find him. He had been gone for an entire day. But suddenly, in the middle of the night, the child came back. He wasn't hurt, but he didn't talk. He didn't even move normally. But the most scary thing was probably, that he had a red balloon in his hand."
Suddenly, there was a loud sound of a bursting balloon right behind Minho, who immediately jumped up, screaming. Ms. Wilson couldn't stop laughing, just like the rest of the students but Minho, since he was still shocked to death, breathing heavily with a hand on his chest. He soon calmed down, sitting down on the log again.
"Okay, now onto the marshmallows!" Ms. Wilson said. 3 groups could be by the campfire at once, so they went there in the order in which they had sat.
"It's our turn." Han said, standing up. They went to the fire with their sticks, holding the marshmallows into the flame until they were ready. Walking back, Seoyun addressed a topic.
"Do you know what I find kind of sad.." She started. He looked at her, waiting for her to continue. "That we aren't close friends anymore." She said, looking up at him.
"We just stopped talking at some point, though we got along really well before.." she continued. "I know.. I think our personalities just drifted apart." He said, sitting down.
"Do you want to try it again? We stopped talking in middle school, we might've changed a lot." He said and she nodded in approval. Smiling, he looked at the campfire again, but suddenly, he shivered. "Are you okay?" Seoyun asked. "Yeah I'm okay" Han laughed.
"Here, take this." She took one end of the blanket, giving it to him so that he could put it over his shoulder. "Thanks" he said, smiling.
Taking a bite of his marshmallow, he suddenly started breathing fast. "Sh-shit this is hot." He said, fanning himself with his hand as if it would make anything better. Seoyun just laughed at him, watching his hysterical movements.

"Felix.. Felix!" Seungmin shook his shoulder. He flinched, snapping out of his trance. "Y-yeah?" He said. "Were you looking at Seoyun?" Seungmin asked, looking at Seoyun and Han.
Felix nodded while staring at his marshmallow, twisting the stick around between his fingers. Seungmin had pity on him, patting his back.
"They're only friends, believe me. They had been close before, but now they barely talk." He cheered him up.

They stayed there for another 20 minutes before their teachers told them to sleep.
"But before you go- the story wasn't real!" Mrs. Yang said and a few people groaned.
"She really tricked us like that, huh?" Seoyun said to Grace as they were walking back, making her chuckle. Pulling down the zip of their tent, they entered, grabbing their pajamas and toothbrushes along with the other supplies they needed to get ready for bed.

Seoyun had finished earlier than Grace, but she walked back as Grace told her that she could already go. Laying down, she fell asleep in an instant.

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