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Seoyun breathed out, relaxed. She pulled her collar over her shoulder, following Felix, who was about to open the door. Minho smirked at them with raised eyebrows, giggling. Seoyun blushed, returning to the backyard.
Suddenly, some people started yelling and clapping. Seoyun's eyes widened in shock and she hurried back to Grace before she became even redder than she had already been. "And and and?" Grace asked excitedly. "I.. don't know. I can't explain it." Seoyun said, suddenly feeling weird about the whole situation.

He gave me a freaking hickey..

Grace furrowed her brows as she looked at Felix who relaxedly walked back to Seungmin. He raised his brows expectantly. "I think I succeeded." Felix giggled.

"Did he make you feel uncomfortable?" Grace asked, a little bit worried. "No, I just.. I have no idea." She didn't know how to express her feelings with words.

Why did I do that..?

Somehow, she felt extremely uncomfortable at that moment. "Maybe I should've refused going with him.." she said, looking at the grass, unsure of what to think. "Seoyun, what happened?" Grace asked, not getting anything. "You didn't feel uncomfortable then but now you do or did I understand something wrong?" She asked.
"No, you understood it perfectly fine." Seoyun said, pulling her knees towards her chest as she wrapped her arms around them.
"Time for the next two people!" Minho yelled. He was probably the most hyped for that game.
Everyone wrote down two names again, giving their papers to Seungmin. He sat down after collecting the votes, counting them.

"Holy shit.." he said, looking at the results in shock.

"Who got picked?" Someone asked.

"Grace and.. Han!" Seungmin said. Han's jaw dropped in shock. Grace looked at Seungmin in disbelief, while Seoyun looked at Minho with the same expression.

Oh my god..

Minho was scary whenever he was pissed. He glanced at Grace, visibly upset. This time, he didn't stand up to lead them to the according room, so Felix did it. Grace and Han reluctantly stood up, being extremely uncomfortable. They went to the room, entering before Felix closed the door.

Grace sat down on the chair that was in the room, visibly nervous. Han leaned against the table, noticing that she was slightly trembling. "Don't worry, I won't do anything." He said reassuringly as he smiled warmly. "Thank you." She smiled back.
"Then let's just talk for seven minutes." Han suggested. He hated it when people felt uncomfortable around him, so he always tried to loosen the tension. "What do you want to talk about?" Grace asked. "I don't know." He said, looking around the room. "Can I ask you something?" He suddenly said. "Sure." She answered. "You don't need to answer if it makes you feel uncomfortable, but is it possible that you like Minho?" He asked straightforwardly. Grace blushed, shocked. "Why would you think that?" She asked. "I don't know, I figured out your personality a little bit and as far as I understood you were pretty startled after he gave you that teddy bear yesterday, constantly smiling after that." He said. "Oh.." she looked to the side.

God, I'm not good at lying! What should I say?


Seoyun looked over to Minho once again, who was sitting next to her now that Grace and Han were gone. She slid over to him. "Are you okay?" She asked. He seemed a bit startled, but he soon got a grip on himself again. "Yeah, why?" He said. "Minho, I know that you're pissed because Grace is in there with your best friend." She said and he looked at her, shocked.
"You like her, don't you?" She asked.
"W-What?" Minho stuttered. "I have known you for a long time now and as far as I know, you wouldn't have given anyone that bear, except for a person that you like. And that expression you had, it was completely different from your normal looks." She said, making him look away.

"Maybe a little bit.."

He admitted and Seoyun looked at him in disbelief.

I thought I would have to dig deeper..

"And now she's in there with him." He said.
"Who knows what they might be doing.." he added, turning his head around to look at the door that leads into the inside of the house.
"Han won't do anything. And Grace won't do anything either." Seoyun said. Minho furrowed his brows. "How can you be so sure about that?" He asked. "If even I have noticed that you like Grace, then Han has most likely noticed it as well, in the end he knows you better than I do. And Grace.. I just know that she won't do anything." Seoyun explained and Minho nodded understandingly, looking at the grass again. Suddenly, Felix stood up, going inside to call Han and Grace. "Don't be pissed at Han." She said before she sat down on her old spot again. Coming back, Grace and Han sat down with satisfied smiles. "And?" Seoyun asked. "We talked." Grace said. "What did you talk about?" "He knows that I like Minho." Grace said straightforwardly. "Wait- What?" Seoyun said in surprise. "Yeah, I was shocked too.. he asked me if I like Minho and I'm bad at lying, so.." she giggled. "Aren't you scared that he'll tell Minho?" Seoyun asked. "No, not really actually.. and even if he does, wouldn't it be better?" She said. "Well, in fact it would." Seoyun agreed.
"Thank you for coming!" Felix said before Grace and Seoyun left, closing the door behind them.

"Now tell me, what exactly happened in that room, why do you feel weird about it?"

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