The Killer

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Authors note: tried out a different POV for this chapter. Let me know what you guys think

Stefan: "Mystic Falls. I was born here. This is my home."
Damon: "And mine."
Elena: "And mine."
Stefan: "For centuries, supernatural creatures have lived among us."
Jaylan: "There were vampires, werewolves, doppelgangers."
Bonnie: "Witches."
Klaus: "And even hybrids."
Stefan: "Then there's Elena. She's one of us now."
Elena: "Why am I acting like this?"
Stefan: "There may be one chance to save her."
Jeremy: "Nice ink."
Klaus: "Tell them what the tattoo leads to."
Rebekah: "He said there was a cure."
Klaus: "No one must know about the cure."
Stefan: "The hunter holds the key, but he'll stop at nothing to kill us all."


Connor: "You have any idea what I've been through? I spent the last two days chained up by an Original vampire."
Shane: "So you met Klaus. I only know him by reputation. Apparently he's a real monster."
Connor: "He's a vampire-werewolf hybrid. Do you know how hard it is to kill them?"
Shane: "From what I gather, you have to remove their head or their heart. That's according to lore. I'm just speculating."
Connor: "I had to figure it out on my own. I could've used some of this occult professor knowledge of yours. You've always been slow when it comes to answers."
Shane: "We had a deal. I'll give you answers about your Hunter's Mark when it's grown to completion."
Connor: "So kill as many vampires as possible."
Shane: "Come on, Connor, why do you think I sent you to Mystic Falls? There's no shortage of vampires. That town is practically infested. Listen, there's a witch mixed up in all of this. She's important to what I have planned. I want her to be kept out of harm's way."
Connor: "Anybody gets in my way, anybody, they're dead."
Shane: "Okay. Sure. I'll occupy her myself. Just do what you do. The less I know about it, the better."


Jeremy: "I'll be right back. You good?" he asks Brielle who is sitting in a booth drawing in one of his sketchbooks
Brielle: "Can I get some more lemonade?" she asks smiling up at him making him smile back
Jeremy: "You got it." he says grabbing her glass. He goes into the kitchen putting away some pitchers when he hears a door close. He walks towards the noise seeing nothing only to turn around and have Connor put a knife to his neck
Connor: "Do I have your attention?" he asks as Jeremy nods his head "Good. Now let's talk about vampires."


Stefan: "How the hell did Connor escape?" he asks after getting a text from Klaus
Klaus: "I blame mind-numbing incompetence. But pointing fingers isn't gonna help me. You're gonna help me." he says as he walks around a group of people digging into a building
Stefan: "Well, he could be anywhere now."
Klaus: "Think, Stefan. He took the hybrid's head, which means he wants werewolf toxin."
Stefan: "Which means he plans to stay in Mystic Falls to kill vampires."
Klaus: "Which is a pity. As I'm half the world away digging up a dead hunter you'll have no access to my blood and therefore the antidote. Nevertheless, his tattoo is our only map to the cure so your task is quite simple. Find him, catch him, and above all, keep him alive. He's no good to us dead."
Stefan: "Damon's been looking everywhere for him. If they cross paths-"
Klaus: "You need to keep Damon in check." he says instantly interrupting him
Stefan: "It'd be easier if I could tell the truth."
Klaus: "You trust Damon with the cure? The same Damon who vowed to make your life a living hell. Who's to say he doesn't destroy it as a way to torture you?"
Stefan: "Nice try, but I trust Damon a lot more than I trust you."
Klaus: "And I trust no one, which is why my sister is lying daggered in a box. The more who find out about the cure, the more who will go after it. Nations have gone to war over less. Mark my words: Tell one soul and I'll throw the Hunter's Sword in the Mediterranean and we can end this quest right now. Am I understood? Oh by the way you wouldn't happen to know where the lovely Jaylan is at? She's not answering my calls."
Stefan: "She doesn't agree with the methods we've used so far. I'll find her." he says hanging up his phone

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