Catch Me If You Can

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Elena: "Elena My name is Elena Gilbert and I'm a vampire. I'm learning how to survive, but there are complications. I know that I'm sired to you, Damon."
Damon: "I'm letting you go."
Elena: "I was ready to fight you on this, but every part of my body is telling me that I need to get in this car and leave you."
Stefan: "But there's hope."
Klaus: "Tell them what the hunter told you."
Rebekah: "He said there was a cure."
Jeremy: "And we're not the only ones who want it."
Rebekah: "I want to ram it down Niklaus' throat."
Jaylan: "Uncovering it comes with a price."
Kol: "What do you know about Silas?"
Shane: "The world's first immortal. Who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure."
Stefan: "You said whoever finds the cure first, gets to decide what to do with it. Partners?"
Damon: "The race for the cure has begun. And we'll stop at nothing to find it."
Klaus: "I was beginning to worry you wouldn't find the place."
Matt: "Did you kill all these people?"
Klaus: "Killing them is your job."

Stefan: "Heh" he scoffs coming out his bathroom with a towel around his waist, looking over to see Jaylan laying on his bed reading one of his diaries "Ahem

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Stefan: "Heh" he scoffs coming out his bathroom with a towel around his waist, looking over to see Jaylan laying on his bed reading one of his diaries "Ahem. I know you've been spending way too much time with Damon, but knocking is still a thing."
Jaylan: "So is writing in your diary, apparently. What does writing every little thing you're feeling actually do for a person?" She asks while turning a page
Stefan: "Why are you here?" he asks ignoring her question and take the journal out her hands "I thought you were going to hang with Damon for a while at the cabin."
Jaylan: "I was. But that was before Jeremy called to tell me how much of an idiot and possibly psychotic my boyfriend was" she says making him nod his head in agreeance "Oh and within his explanation, Damon also mentioned how Elena might still be sired to him." she says making his head snap up and eyes widen at her
Stefan: "What do you mean? I thought Damon let her go."
Jaylan: "He did. According to him it wasn't 100% full proof of working so..." she says shrugging her shoulders
Rebekah: "We're at a disadvantage in this whole race for the cure" she says coming into the room making the two look over at her "Team Klaus has Jeremy the Hunter, Team Shane has Bonnie the Witch."
Stefan: "If you're here to remind me of our last-place status, I'm aware."
Rebekah: "Actually, I have a plan. The cure is buried with Silas, that ancient evil guy my brother Kol is afraid of. Shane was so eager to prove his existence that he gave away that he has one of the keys to resurrecting him. His headstone." she says smirking at the two
Jaylan: "I see. You wanna steal it."
Rebekah: "Yes. And then Team Shane will have to join Team Rebekah and Team Klaus will be left out in the cold where he belongs."
Stefan: "Since when is she on our team?" he asks pointing a finger at Jaylan, confused to why she seems onboard with everything
Rebekah: "Since she's in the room. Besides the two of you work well together. Let's go." she says as they watch her walk away before following after her as Stefan gets dressed

Stefan: "Well, headstone's not here." he says frustrated as they've looked around Shane's office
Jaylan: "Don't Ripper out on us. We'll find it."
Rebekah: "Oh. You're all bottled up. You need a release. Maybe we can find you a voodoo doll or something."
Jaylan: "Ah. This should do the trick" she says opening a drawer and pulling out a jar of herbs "Stoner tea. Exactly what you need." she says holding it out to him
Stefan: "Not interested."
Rebekah: "What happened to you? You were so much fun in the '20s."
Stefan: "I was a psychotic killer with no emotions in the 1920s."
Rebekah: "You may have been a killer, but you were far from emotionless, Stefan. You had a blast. I know you remember. The jazz. The booze. Our little table at Gloria's. Don't make me compel it out of you." she says after he's silent for a moment
Stefan: "All right. Um I guess we had a little bit of fun."
Rebekah: "Thank you."
Jaylan: "So now that we've established that fun is, in fact, possible maybe you'd like to start having some."
Rebekah: "Don't worry about the professor. He won't be back anytime soon, I made sure of that." she says smiling at him as Jaylan's phone rings and Jeremy tells her about Kol attacked him and Damon

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