Chapter 6: Trouble And A Plan

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Ten years later

One day, the now 14-year old white hedgehog lay in bed bored. He was laying on his back and using his telekinesis to rotate a few objects above his head. His friend and roommate Blaze was elsewhere, working on her pyrokinesis. He had hoped she would be back before yard time so they could hang out with their friends together, but that hope obviously faded once he heard the bell ring. Five minutes later and Silver still lay in bed daydreaming about who knows what. Then the door opened, and in came his best friend Blaze.

He released his grip on the objects he was holding and hopped out of bed, then strode over to the light purple feline. "Blaze! How'd it go?" he asked. "Just fine. I think I finally know how to create my own fireballs." she replied. Silver was amazed. "Wow, really? Congrats!" "Thanks Silver." she chuckled. "Come on, let's go find the others. I'm pretty sure they're in the yard waiting." Blaze then said. So Silver and Blaze went off to the backyard in search of their friends.

They spotted them chatting near the gate and walked over. "Hey guys! How's it going?" Silver asked cheerfully. "Good for now." Knuckles replied. Silver frowned. "For now? What do you mean for now?" he asked. "All the guards are being replaced today." Rouge answered. Silver's eyes widened. "What? Why?" he asked again. "The guards are replaced every twenty years." Sonic replied. "And the new ones will be arriving in a few minutes." Shadow added calmly. "All the kids'll have to line up in the front yard. That's when we'll have to say goodbye to the old guards and meet the new ones." Rouge said. Silver's ears fell back against his head. He couldn't believe it. Bill was like a father to him. A father that wouldn't give up his son over his powers. Now he had to say goodbye? Then the bell rang again, but this time it sounded very different. "I think that means we have to go." Rouge said. "Yeah." Silver said sadly.

Once all the kids lined up in the front yard they all hugged and said their goodbyes to the old guards. Silver was really sad to see Bill and the other guards go, but there was nothing he could do. One guard opened the gate and they all walked to their vehicles while waving goodbye to the kids. As they went out the new guards came in. Once they switched the gate was shut, then the heads of Power Hour stepped up. "Children, meet your new guardians. They'll be here for the next 20 years so get used to them." a brown male vulture said. "You guys will start by giving these Mobians a warm welcome." a female snow leopard said. "Enjoy your stay." the vulture said to the guards. And with that the heads went back into the building, leaving the children with the new guards.

One of the new top guards, a golden female lion walked up holding a cane. "Alright brats listen up. There are new guards in charge now, so some things'll have to change. I'll read to you all the new rules you must learn and obey. If you are rebellious there will be consequences." She smacked her cane on her hand when saying consequences as if emphasizing. Then she grabbed a list of rules from another top guard (her brother) and began reading them off. Silver didn't feel very comfortable with these guards. Blaze was standing next to him (to his right). "Blaze, I have a bad feeling about these guys." he whispered. "Me too." she whispered back.

To his left Silver heard shaky breathing. He turned to look for the source and found out that it was Sonic. He was shaking slightly and looked very nervous. "Sonic, what's wrong?" Silver asked still whispering. Sonic didn't answer, but he did look at the younger hedgehog. "Is something a matter?" Silver asked again (he's still whispering XD). Sonic faced forward again and looked down. "N-no. I'm f-f-fine." he stuttered (in a whisper). Silver didn't believe it one bit, but left the matter alone. Why was Sonic so scared? Did it have something to do with the new guards? Silver was puzzled.

After the greetings the guards went into the building and yard time continued. The teens went back to their yard and started talking about the new guards. They were mostly in groups of five whispering to one another about the matter. Silver and his friends did the same. "I don't like the attitude of that lion girl, she seems dangerous." Rouge said. "And very strict." Knuckles added. "One wrong move and she'll probably break our bones." Silver said. He then noticed the 15-year old blue hedgehog. He was the only one sitting on the ground. He was also hugging himself and rocking back and forth slightly. Immediately Silver's mind went back to the moment they first met, when he saw Sonic sitting against that tree. Sonic has always been a timid kid, but why? Silver thought it might've been because of a bad experience he had or something. He never really bothered asking though, it's not like Sonic was ever going to tell him.

Both Knuckles and Shadow picked up on Sonic's discomfort and sat next to him, trying to comfort him. "Sonic, we'll be fine I'm sure of it." Knuckles said. "No we won't!" Rouge blurted. Everyone looked at her. "There's no way I'm staying here another day with these people." she said. "But Rouge, they've only been here for like ten minutes." Blaze said. "Ten minutes is too much for me. I have come up with a plan to escape this place, tonight!" batty said. Everyone's eyes widened. "A plan? Escape? Tonight? How? We can't just walk out, can we?" Silver asked. "Of course not. We must sneak out. I never really liked this place anyway. Now I dislike it even more with these new guards." Rouge replied. "There's nothing above us. Why didn't you just fly away?" Silver asked. "Huh? No one told you?" Rouge was stunned. "Told me what?" Silver asked tilting his head. "You can't see it, but there's a force field right above us. It keeps those who can fly in." Knuckles explained. "Oh." Silver felt a bit embarrassed for not knowing that.

"So how are we gonna escape?" Blaze asked plainly. "Easy. We leave when everyone is asleep." Rouge responded. "But we can't just grab the keys from the guards." Shadow said. "You're right, we can't~" Rouge said. Everyone gave her a confused look. "But we've got Silver." she finished. Everyone looked at Silver. "Me?" Silver asked. "Yes. I've thought of this since you told me you had telekinesis. With your help, we could unlock the gate without the key!" Rouge said excitedly. "H-how come you didn't do it then?" Sonic asked. "Because Silver couldn't handle his powers that well. Remember he would get headaches when using them too long? It would've taken a lot of focus for him to unlock it, and that's a pretty big lock mind you. But now that he's more experienced, he could probably do it with a swipe of his hand." Rouge replied. "I don't know about this Rouge. We don't know what's out there." Blaze said concerned.

"We'll be fine. I'm sure it's better than being here." the flyer said. "So who's with me?" She held out her fist. Sonic got up almost instantly and put his hand on hers. Rouge smiled at him for being on her side then looked at the rest. Knuckles put his hand over Sonic's. "I'll stick with you wherever you go Sonic." he said to Sonic with a smile. Silver hesitated. He didn't know what to expect beyond that gate, but he wasn't gonna separate from his friends either. He had never known anyone for such a long time. His friends felt like family to him and he wasn't gonna leave them. So he put his hand over Knuckles'. "We swore we'd stay together, so stay together we shall." he said. Blaze followed soon after him. "This place was fun while it lasted." she said with a chuckle. Everyone looked at Shadow. He seemed kinda unsure about this. He sighed. "I've been living here for 17 years, and now you want me to just leave?" he asked. The others frowned but remained silent. Shadow stared a bit longer then finally joined them. "Count me in." he said with a smile.

To be continued...

Stay tuned for more. Check out my other stories if you like. Buh-bye!

Silver the Hedgehog Story; Children of Power (OLD AND BAD) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now