Chapter 29: Happy Bir-! Uh Oh...

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"Shads. Hey, Shadow, wake up!" said a voice in a whisper. Shadow stirred and groaned a bit as he slowly opened his eyes. Above him stood none other than Silver. The dark rodent sat up in bed. "Silver, what is it?" he asked in a tired voice. "Dude, don't you know what day it is?" Silver asked.

"I lost track of time ages ago." Shadow replied in a groan. "It's your birthday! Yesterday I asked Draco what the date was. We're gonna try and make this special for you!" albino told him. "Silver, it's fine. You don't have to do anything magnificent." Shadow said.

"No way! Everyone's already awake and setting things up in the basement." "The basement??" "Yeah! The basement's the perfect place to go wild while we celebrate your birthday. It's big, beautiful and practically soundproof so we won't scare any neighbors."

Shadow chuckled lightly and shook his head. "You guys are mad." he said a bit playfully. "That's why we're your friends. Now come on! You can't sleep your whole birthday away!" Silver said as he left the room. Shadow straightened himself up in the bathroom before he went downstairs to find Silver waiting in the living room.

"So... what now...?" Shadow asked. "I don't know. You just woke up so I'm guessing you don't have an appetite right now." Silver said. "What do you mean? Did you plan on fixing breakfast or something?" Shads asked again. "Not exactly. I can't cook..." Silver said a little embarrassed.

"None of us can." ebony said. "What would you like for breakfast anyway? Whatever you want we can just follow the directions and do the best we can." Silver said. Shadow thought for a moment. "Hm... I don't know. What's around?" he asked. "Let's go see." Silver said.

So they headed for the kitchen. They found Espio sitting idly at a table. "Hi, Espio! Why aren't you down there with the others?" Silver asked. "Apparently I don't have the 'eye for decoration'." Espio replied while making quotes with his hands. "I'm guessing Rouge said that." Silver said with a chuckle.

"She did." Espio replied, then he turned to Shadow. "Happy birthday, Shadow." he said plainly. "Uh, thanks." Shadow responded awkwardly. The relationship between the two was still off. Ever since the shouting match near the mountain cave (Chapter 24) neither one has said much to the other.

"Ahem, uh, we came in here to look for something to try and cook for breakfast." Silver said. "Oh, don't worry. Rouge and Blaze will take care of that in a little bit. Those girls seem to have everything planned out already." Espio said as he turned away again. "Oh, okay." Silver replied.

Then there was a moment of silence. Awkward silence. "Um... since we're here how about we chat while we wait." Silver suggested. "Sure. About what, though?" Espio asked. "Let me think... um.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Oh, I know!" Silver exclaimed causing Espio to flinch.

"How did you sense me by the door yesterday?" Silver asked. "That's not gonna take long to explain..." Espio said. "Well, maybe it'll lead to us talking about something else. You know how topics are, right? How they can change and stuff?" albino said. Espio sighed.

"Fine. I can sense the presence of those I've been around for some time. It's like I can feel their 'auras' in a way." Espio explained. "Oh. So how'd you know it was me specifically?" Silver asked. "Everyone's aura feels different. Yours feels friendly and kind and also brave and courageous." fuchsia said.

Silver blushed a bit from embarrassment. "Wow. I never really thought of myself as courageous." he said. "Just don't let it go to your head." Espio said with a smile. "What does Shadow's aura feel like?" the light rodent asked. "Serious, mature, kind, loving, and more I don't feel like naming." Espio said. Silver chuckled in response.

"Aw, Shads, I didn't know you were loving. That's so adorable for a tough guy like you." Silver said playfully. "Well, yeah." Shadow responded as he turned to try and hide his faint blush. "Hey, Ep, how about we show Shadow you're cool ability. Me and him go somewhere else while you stay here with your eyes closed.

Then slowly and quietly we'll try and sneak up on you from different angles. You'll have to guess which one of us is me or Shadow." Silver said. Espio stood up from his seat. "Sure." he replied. "Alright, let's go, Shads." Silver said as he grabbed the darker rodent's hand and began to leave.

"And no peaking." he said to Espio over his shoulder. Him and Shadow went off to a farther part of the house, far away from the kitchen. As for Espio, he stood with his eyes closed while he waited for them. It had been at least five minutes and neither of them had shown up yet.

Suddenly, the chameleon could feel a presence from behind. However, it didn't feel like Silver or Shadow. It definitely wasn't Tails and it wasn't any of the others either. This aura felt different, very different, but familiar. It felt dark and... lustful? He turned around, opened his eyes and gasped when he realized who it was.

"Hey there." an adult green hedgehog greeted with a devilish smirk. Before Espio could react Scourge had grabbed him by his wrists. Although he was fast, Scourge was much faster. He struggled to break free from the stronger rodent. "Let me go you creep!" he said.

"Aw, don't leave, I just got here. Man, you've gotten much sexier over these years." Scourge said as he eyed the reptile's body. "Hey, freak! Get away from him!" came Silver's voice suddenly. Scourge looked behind him to see both Silver and Shadow glaring.

Scourge growled before he pulled Espio into a forceful kiss, then he shoved him away. Espio stumbled backwards and fell. "Don't worry. I ain't gonna touch him today. I came here for someone else." he told Silver and Shadow. "How'd you even get in here?" Silver asked.

"I have my ways. Now, last night I saw a cute blue hedgehog friend of yours. Would you mind telling me where he is?" the green rodent asked. Suddenly Shadow started to heat up. "No! You're not touching Sonic!" he shouted. "Says who? I only listen to my mom." Scourge said with crossed arms.

"We're a force to be reckoned with, buddy! How about you scram before you get hurt!" Silver said in threatening tone. Scourge just shook his head. "Tsk, tsk. Such unwelcoming kids you are." he said. He decided he'd head out anyway. "Maybe I'll pop by later. Cya." he said as he left.

Silver and Shadow watched his every movement until he left the house, then they went over by Espio, who had stood up again. "You alright?" Silver asked. "Yeah, that was unexpected." Espio replied only slightly shaken. "That freak's aiming for Sonic. I can't let him get to him." Shadow growled.

"We'll keep Sonic safe, Shadow. Don't worry about it too much." Silver said to try and calm him. "We need to warn the others." Shadow said. "Right. I'll go down and tell them." Silver said before ran to find the basement. Shadow sighed and covered his face. "I'm gonna be so stressed today..." he said.

To be continued...

Scourge wants Sonic now!

Note: The idea of Scourge going after Sonic actually came from Moonwatcher_Abby. Thanks for the idea, this is about to get interesting! :)

Stay tuned for more. Check out my other stories if you like. Buh-bye!

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