Chapter 14: Confrontation

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Silver stormed up the stairs and back into the hallway with his buddies right behind him. He had a bit of Sonic's blood in his grey-white fur, but he didn't care. He just wanted to give Sonic's parents a piece of his mind. Part of him had wished Blaze was wrong about what she said last night (Chapter 12), but turns out she was right.

Sonic's parents have been abusing him for who knows how long, but why? What's the point in having children if you're gonna do nothing but beat them up? Silver thought about the matter as he and the gang looked for the adults. Eventually they found them, they were in a study talking about how they were gonna reorganize one of the libraries and Rouge was with them.

Silver busted right through the doors with no warning, startling everyone in there. "Silver, what is the meaning of this?" his father asked with his arms crossed. Silver pointed an accusing finger at Sonic's parents. "Those freaks hurt my friend!" he yelled.

No one really believed him at first, that is, until Knuckles came in with the injured hedgehog in his arms. Gasps of shock echoed through the study. Rouge stood up and ran over to her friends with great worry. Knuckles knelt down so the young bat could get a closer look at Sonic.

Rouge caressed Sonic's cheek before turning to Silver. "W-what happened?" she asked in a quiet and slightly shaky voice. "His parents did this. They used this knife on him in their secret torture chamber." he said while showing the bloody knife.

Sonic's father stood up. "That's preposterous." he said. "We would never hurt our own son like that." the mother added. "What?! You guys are lying through your teeth. Who else would do this?" Silver asked in a raised voice. "I think you're the one who's lying, we would never do such a thing, kid." Mr. (blue) Hedgehog said.

"In fact, that striped hedgehog is probably the one who did it." Mrs. (blue) Hedgehog accused Shadow. "I mean, doesn't he just look suspicious?" she asked. Everyone turned to Shadow. The ebony hedgehog remained silent, but he gave the two parents his darkest glare and crossed his arms. Silver spoke for him.

"Shadow would never do this to his own friend!" he said. "Then why are you accusing us of committing such a crime on our own child?" Sonic's angry dad asked. "Because you don't give two poops about him!!" albino yelled. "Silver!" his mother called sternly, she was surprised by her son's behavior.

Sonic's parents turned to the owners of the mansion (Rouge's parents). "What do you two think about this?" the father asked. Both bats thought about it for a minute, then they finally gave their answer. "Rouge," the mother started. "I think it's time you say goodbye to your friends Shadow and Knuckles."

Rouge was shocked. "What? Why?" she asked. "We're putting them out, their parents don't live here so they shouldn't either." her dad said. "Plus, it seems like they're causing trouble." her mom added. "But-" Rouge was cut off. "You guys seriously believe them?! Why would we hurt our own friend for some prank?" Silver asked.

Rouge's father turned to Silver's parents. "Snowflake, learn to control that son of yours, lest I send him away too." he said to Mrs. (white) Hedgehog. "Right, of course. Silver, enough of this foolishness. You're going to go to your room and stay there." she said firmly. Silver's eyes widened in shock. His own parents didn't even believe him! Are they serious?

Reluctantly, he dropped the knife and went off to his room. On his way he could still hear the adults' conversation about what they were gonna do next, treat Sonic's wounds and put out both Knuckles and Shadow. That was all he heard before he closed the door.

Silver leaned against the door and sighed angrily. "I can't believe they didn't believe us." he said to himself. "They didn't even bother seeing that secret room." he continued. For the rest of that time the albino hedgehog kept thinking about the events and what he would do next.

A week later

The Mobians were all in a dining room eating breakfast. The adults were chatting away about... adult stuff while the kids, at least what was left of them, stayed quiet. Not even Rouge spoke. The four remaining teens just didn't feel the same without the other two members.

Rouge only spoke to her parents sometimes now. Blaze never spoke to her parents much anyway. Sonic, who is now recovering from his injuries, spoke to no one. And Silver didn't speak to his parents at all. He felt betrayed by them yet again, and now he's separated from his best friends. Oh, but not for long, Silver's got an idea.

To be continued...

Stay tuned for more. Check out my other stories if you like. Buh-bye!

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