Chapter 12: Missing Hedgehog

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Later that night Silver went to check on his friends, he wanted to see how they were doing. Rouge was already sleeping so he didn't bother her, instead he went to see Shadow and Knuckles, who shared the same room for the time being. Once he got to the double doors he knocked on one and waited. Three seconds later Knuckles opened it. "Silver? What are you doing here?" he asked in a whisper. "Just came to check on you before I crash for the night." Silver replied in a whisper.

"We're doing fine, thanks bud." Knuckles said. Then Silver gave him a sad look. "Sorry Knux." he said. Knuckles was confused. "About what?" he asked. "About your family. I mean, me and Rouge are just over here hugging our parents while you have no one to reunite with. I just, I don't know I feel... really bad." the white hedgehog said as he looked down at the floor. Knuckles put a hand on his little buddy's shoulder. "Aw Silvs it's okay, I'm totally fine. You and the others are my family now, that's all I need to make me happy." he said with a smile.

Silver returned the smile. "You're right. No matter what happens we will never break up." he said in a promising fashion. "Scout's honor." Knuckles replied. "By the way Silver," he started. "Do you know what happened to Sonic? I haven't seen him since earlier." Silver grew concerned. "No I haven't seen him either... You know what, I'll go talk to Blaze and see if she knows anything." amber eye said. "Okay, see ya." violet eye said before closing the door.

Silver went off to find Blaze's room, when he got there he knocked on her double doors. Six seconds later the lavender cat opened the door. "Silver, is there something wrong?" she asked. "I was just wondering if you've seen Sonic around." he answered. "Come in." Blaze said as she motioned for the hedgehog to come. Silver walked in and Blaze closed the door. They sat on a couch and talked. "Silver don't panic okay? I think I finally know what's up with Sonic." golden eye said.

Silver's eyes widened as he stiffened slightly, his ears were pointed directly at his best friend as a way of saying "I'm all ears". "I think Sonic's parents have been abusive towards him. It all makes sense now; the bruises he had, his reaction to the new guards and the terrified look he gave his parents earlier. Maybe he was afraid the new guards would hurt him if he did something wrong because he's used to that behavior coming from his parents." the girl explained. Silver was completely shocked. Is that why Sonic seemed so scared of his parents? Because they abused him when he was younger? Why?

Silver couldn't imagine his own parents laying a finger on him. He looked at his best friend with great concern. "Do you really think so?" he asked. "I'm not certain, but it seems that way. I mean why else would a child be that scared of their own parents?" Blaze asked. Silver shifted in his seat, feeling very uncomfortable about the idea of an adult just beating on a kid. "H-he's 15 now, so maybe he can stand up to them, right?" he asked. "Maybe... but he still seemed very scared of them and they were purposefully giving him intimidating looks. Something tells me they still won't get along." kitty said.

Silver turned away and thought about it as an unnerving chill went up his spine. He stood up and decided he would leave. "I should... probably go to my room and get some sleep. I'm pretty sure Sonic is fine wherever he is." 'At least I hope so.' he thought. "I'll see you tomorrow then." Blaze said. Silver left her room and went back to his own. He took off his shoes and got right in bed. He couldn't stop thinking about Sonic, what that poor hedgehog must've gone through. Then a new question occurred in his mind; why didn't Sonic want to tell anyone about it?

The next morning everyone was up and sitting at a table in the dining area eating breakfast, everyone except Sonic. Silver looked around the table and noticed Sonic's absence. The adults were busy chatting away about something and Rouge was the only kid really talking. As for the others (Blaze, Shadow and Knuckles) they had the same worried expressions as Silver did. They were worried about Sonic too. Where on Mobius was he? Silver looked at Sonic's parents, they didn't seem to care about their son's whereabouts, nor did they ever mention his name.

At that very moment Silver had decided he was gonna go search for his friend after breakfast, and he was gonna ask the others to help him. So after breakfast he and his friends gathered in the garden. "Guys I need your help. I haven't seen Sonic since yesterday and I'm getting very worried, so I was thinking I'd go look for him. Do you guys wanna help?" he asked them. "Of course! I was thinking about doing the same thing." Knuckles replied. "I bet his parents have something to do with this. I don't trust them." Shadow said. "I'm sure he's fine," Rouge said as she walked away. "He's probably just playing around. Now my parents were gonna show me something and I don't wanna be late. Catch ya later!"

Everyone watched the 18 year old bat walk back inside the mansion, then turned to each other again. "It's not like Sonic to just hide away from us, you guys know that." Silver said. "Don't worry Silver, we'll find him. He has to be around here somewhere." Blaze said. The young hedgehog smiled at his friends and faced the mansion. All together they went in and started searching for their other gang member.

To be continued...

What happened to Sonic? Stay tuned for more. And check out my other stories if you like. Buh-bye!

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