Chapter 11: Reunion

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Rouge stared at the bat couple in shock, she couldn't believe who she was seeing. The couple stared back as shocked as she was. "M-mom? Dad? Is that... is it really you?" she asked. "Rouge?" asked the adult female bat. She started tearing up and went to embrace her daughter. "Oh Rouge, I-I can't believe you're here! I'm so sorry dear." the mother said while crying. Rouge hugged back and also started tearing up. "It's okay, I'm not mad." she said.

Rouge broke the hug with her mother and went to hug her father. The taller male bat hugged her and and kissed her head. "Rouge, how did you get here? Did they let you go?" he asked. Rouge wiped away her tears. "We kinda broke out." she said with a small smirk. "What's happening? Is there something wrong?" came a voice from the hallway. A lot of fast paced footsteps could be heard as well. Out from the hall came three other couples. A pair of white hedgehogs, a pair of lavender cats and a pair of blue hedgehogs.

The female of the white hedgehog pair saw Silver and gasped. "Silver?!" she asked with her hand over her mouth. Silver couldn't believe it! Was this real? It can't be can it? He was looking directly at his parents. The very Mobians he thought he'd never see again. Being overpowered with emotion he ran over to his parents and hugged them both, they hugged back. "I, I missed you guys so much. W-why did you leave me?" Silver asked between sobs. "We were being foolish. We're sorry. We're so so sorry, baby." the mother replied between sobs.

Blaze noticed the cat couple, they were looking at her with surprised looks on their faces, other than that they were emotionless. She crossed her arms and glared back at them like she wanted nothing to do with them. She knew they were her parents, but she didn't care. She also guessed that the other hedgehog couple were Sonic's parents. How convenient. Were their parents friends with one another just like they were? Weird...

Another thing the young cat realized was that Sonic's parents were completely emotionless. They stared at their son with crossed arms, both of them. Sonic himself looked like he was gonna faint. He was shaking violently and looked absolutely horrified. He took a few steps back and looked like he wanted to run. Something wasn't right.

Silver and his parents walked over to the rest of the Mobians near the entrance. "Mom, dad these are my friends," Silver said to his parents before pointing out each one of his buds. "Blaze, Knuckles, Shadow, Rouge and Sonic..." his voice trailed off when he realized Sonic's terrified expression. He walked up to the blue hedgehog and grabbed his shoulders lightly. "Sonic what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost, buddy." he said concerned. Sonic tightly closed his eyes and turned away from Silver with a whimper.

Silver then looked at his (Sonic's) parents and noticed they had devilish smirks on their faces. Was Sonic scared of his parents? They seemed pleased with themselves for intimidating him. "Silver, is your friend okay?" Silver's mom asked. He tried to figure out an answer when Rouge broke his thoughts. "Guys I'm gonna go catch up with my parents. See you later." she said before walking off with both of her parents. "Come on sweetie." Silver's mother said to him softly. "Let's go chat too. We really wanna get to know you again." she finished.

Silver didn't wanna leave his buddy Sonic, but he couldn't just tell his parents that. So he turned from Sonic and just hoped nothing bad would happen, for he had a very bad feeling about the relationship Sonic had with his parents. Silver grabbed his mother's hand and began their walk to another room. "Percy, how about you show these young gentlemen a place they can be seated." Silver's father said to the jackal referring to Shadow and Knuckles. "Right this way." she said to them. They both reluctantly followed her, leaving Sonic and Blaze by themselves with their parents.

Meanwhile, in another room

Silver and his parents were sitting on a comfortable dark green couch where they started a conversation. "You're friends seem nice Silver, how long have you known them?" his mom asked. "Since I've been there, I met Blaze first." he responded. "How'd you get out?" his father wondered. "You're not even close to twenty." he said. "Rouge thought of an escape plan, and I helped by using my telekinesis to unlock doors and stuff." Silver replied.

His mom sighed sadly. "We really shouldn't have done that to you, we were just... scared. We didn't know how to deal with powers such as yours." she explained. "You could've just taught me how to control them, I wouldn't have used them for evil or anything." Silver said. "By the time we figured that out it was too late. Parents aren't allowed to have their children back until their release date." his father said. "Really?" Silver was surprised. "That place is darker than I thought." he said half to himself. "Silver, did you ever learn to control your powers?" his mother asked. Silver smiled at her. "I'll show you."

He closed his eyes and focused. Suddenly, the couch they were sitting on was lifted a foot off the floor. His parents were in awe, but remained quiet so he could concentrate. Soon Silver sat the couch back down and opened his eyes. "So what do you think? he asked them. "That was incredible, honey!" his mother said. "Can you do that with anything?" his father asked. "Yep, even liquids." Silver responded.

For the rest of that day (some) of the teenagers spent time with their beloved parents and had a wonderful time together (some of them did).

To be continued...

Stay tuned for more. And check out my other stories if you like. Buh-bye!

Silver the Hedgehog Story; Children of Power (OLD AND BAD) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now