Chapter 2: Making friends?

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A few minutes went by and Silver was still staring out the window. Although Power Hour seemed to be a nice place he still wished he could go back home. The home he knows, with the Mobians he knows, his parents. His tears would become heavier each time he thought about his parents. He still loved them so much, why did they get rid of him? Surely his powers aren't a good excuse. A parent has no excuse to just abandon their child, right?

Then he heard voices outside the door. One sounded like that Fill guy and the other sounded like a kid. The voices got louder and louder, then the door opened. In came a female lavender cat with gold eyes. "Fill I wasn't stealing anything. That kid's lying! You know me, I don't steal!" She seemed kinda mad at Fill. "Blaze you know that's not all together true. You used to steal things around here all the time." the jaguar chuckled. "But you do believe me, right?" she asked. "We'll talk about it. For now, meet your new roommate." he said motioning to Silver. Blaze turned around and looked at Silver wide eyed. "Who the heck are you?" She glared. "Blaze this is Silver. Silver this is Blaze. You guys'll be roommates until we get a room fixed up for Silver." the adult said. "What?! No way! This is my room!" Blaze protested. "Just try to get along. It's only for a bit." Fill said before leaving and closing the door behind him.

Blaze crossed her arms and glared menacingly at the hedgehog. "I hope you don't stay long. I don't want you touching my stuff." she said. "O-oh, I won't touch anything. I promise." Silver said. "Hmph." Blaze walked to the opposite side of the room, trying to stay as far away from Silver as possible. She sat in a chair and grabbed a book to read, her back was facing Silver. "Maybe we can at least chat? You know get to know each other?" Silver asked. The 4-year old cat just kept her nose in the book and completely ignored him. The hedgehog sighed sadly and turned back to the window.

Ten minutes of nothing but silence went by. Silver and Blaze haven't said a word to each other. They didn't even look at one another. Silver would occasionally check on Blaze, but she always had her back facing him. He turned around once more when he heard the sound of Blaze closing her book. After sitting her book on a table she turned to Silver. "Look, I hate silence and my book is boring. So how about we try and talk about something." she said. "Oh, uh, like what?" Silver asked. "I don't know. Anything!" Blaze replied. "Well, h-how long have you been here?" the boy asked. "Two years." the kitty responded. "Two years? You must know this place well." Silver said surprised. "Not really. I know some of the rules though." Blaze said. "Do we really have to stay till we're 20?" albino asked. "Yep. I'm only four so I have a long way to go." kitty said. "Wait, you're only four?" hedgy asked. "I had to grow up fast kid. I used to live in the streets." "The streets? Where cars run? What happened? W-was it your parents?" Silver would hate the idea of being left alone in the streets. Blaze crossed her arms and looked down. "I'm not talking about it."

To be continued...

Stay tuned for more. If you wanna see more stories of mine go check them out. Let me warn you though, it's not a lot. XD Buh-bye!

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