Chapter 13: The Secret Room

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Silver and his friends looked everywhere around the mansion. In every bedroom, every kitchen, every bathroom, every closet, in the halls, ballrooms, studies, basements, attics, living rooms, libraries, you name it. Yet, they still couldn't find Sonic.

Several hours later Silver, Blaze, Knuckles and Shadow met up in a hallway that had many portraits on it's walls. "Any luck?" Blaze asked the others. "None, and we've looked everywhere!" Knuckles said. Silver was getting frustrated. "Urgh! Where the heck is he?!" he nearly screamed.

Blaze wrapped her arm around Silver's shoulders. "Silver it's okay, we'll find him." she tried to assure. Silver sighed. "It's no use looking in this place anymore, we've looked everywhere! He's not here!" he said in anger mixed with sadness. He noticed his friends looking at him concerned.

"Sorry, i-it's just that... when I was young I've always wanted a brother. For some reason I just thought it'd be cool to have a bro to hang out with sometimes. When I met Sonic, my dream came true. He's like the brother I've always wanted, the brother I never had."

Silver took a few steps closer to the wall and laid his forehead on it while closing his eyes. "Now he's missing, and I can't help but feel I'm to blame." He started feeling angry again.

"I should've stayed with him!" he said as he punched the wall. What he didn't realize was that when he punched the wall it shifted slightly, but Blaze picked up on it immediately. She walked closer. "Silver, the wall, it just moved." she whispered.

After lifting his forehead off of the surface Silver started to analyze it, he pushed on it again, it moved. "Knux." he whispered as he motioned for Knuckles to come closer. Knuckles got his message and put his hands on the wall, then gave it a big push.

A large portion of the wall slid open and revealed a staircase leading down. The cavity was very dark and you could only see the top of the stairs. The Mobians looked at each other, but didn't say a word. Silver looked into the darkness with determination. This was the only place they haven't looked, maybe this was where Sonic was!

Silver was about to take the first step when Blaze stopped him. "I'll go first." she said. "I can light the way with my fire."
Silver nodded and stepped aside. Blaze focused her energy on her hand and created a fireball to hold, then she slowly started down the staircase with the others following close behind.

About a minute later Blaze made it to the bottom, but stopped on the last two steps and looked around as best as she could. The stairs led to a room, but it was far too dark to see what was in it. As soon as the young cat stepped on the floor, white lights came on revealing the room.

The teens gasped in horror. The room was filled with sharp items like knives and even forks. It also had many dangerous machines and other weapons of torture. They all looked fairly new, but some were rusted. All four kids stepped in the room and looked around in shock.

Then something caught Silver's eye, at the farther end of the room there was something red sitting on a table. His fast footsteps echoed through the room as he ran over to investigate. Blaze had called him but he didn't stop. Once he got there he found out the red thing was actually a bloodstained knife, a kitchen knife to be exact.

That was when he turned to his left and noticed stacked boxes and a cage with something in it. That part of the room was dark but the light from the rest of it made it easier for Silver to see that the cage had a big pool of red liquid around it. After taking a step closer, shock overtook his body when he realized what or who was in that cage.

"S-Sonic!!" he cried as he ran over and knelt beside the cage. He grabbed onto the bars and shook the cage slightly. "Sonic!" he called again. Sonic was lying on his back and had his hands over his bloody abdomen. His gloves were stained red and he had dry blood on other parts of his torso, legs and arms. He also had a few other cuts here and there.

Sonic groaned and coughed as he opened his eyes halfway and slowly turned to Silver. Silver stuck his arm through the bars to touch Sonic's upper arm. "Sonic, d-don't worry we'll get you outta here." he said in a shaky voice. He called Knuckles over his shoulder and the echidna quickly rushed over to pry the bars open.

Once the cage was opened Silver crawled in and tried to help his buddy sit up so they could get him out. Despite being in agony, with Silver's help Sonic was able to sit up. Silver noticed Sonic wasn't moving his hand away from his abdomen, that was because he had a long and deep slash across it. He would whimper with every move he made.

Silver helped Sonic scoot out of the cage, now he was sitting on the bloody floor and was resting his head on Silver's shoulder. Silver wrapped his arms around his friend as though he really was his own brother. Then suddenly he became furious. He turned to his other friends.

"His parents did this! Those pathetic wastes of carbon!!" he yelled. "We have to tell the other adults." Blaze said. "Knuckles carry him." Silver demanded. Knuckles didn't hesitate and picked up his hurt friend, holding him bridal style. Silver stood up and walked over to the table with the knife on it. "They must've slashed him with this." he said as he grabbed it. "I'm taking it for proof."

To be continued...

So Blaze was right, Sonic's parents are abusive after all, but will the others believe it? Stay tuned for more. Check out my other stories if you like. Buh-bye!

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