Chapter 3

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Selena's P.O.V 
I woke up to the sun beaming through the window. I groaned pulling the blanket over my head trying to go back to sleep but that throbbing pain in my head called out for Advil so I got up and I headed down stairs yawning groaning and cursing the bastard who invented alcohol.

''Good morning sleeping beauty.'' I turned my head to see my dad I mumbled morning and took Advil out of the cupboard and sat down groaning into my hands.

''Ms Selena what would you like for lunch?' the chef asked I looked at the clock seeing it was after 2.

''Just bacon a lot of bacon hold the fat and a white roll please.'' he smiled and nodded walking to the kitchen and I held my head in my hands

''I told you you're not able for the hangover but no you're able to handle it.'' my dad said I rolled my eyes and winched.

''What you doing today?'' I asked him. ''Nothing, I got up at 10 went to your mom grave for a while then the gym and here we are.'' I nodded.

''I was thinking we could do to dinner tonight just me and you, you know catch up.'' I said he smiled.

''That sound amazing sweetie I'll book a table.'' he said getting up I smiled and nodded and he kissed my head before walking out. I took my phone out of my robe pocket.

To: Halle, Taylor
Dying isn't the word, having dinner with my dad tonight come over around 9 and we'll have a sleep over and spend all day tomorrow pigging out on crap in our Pj's x

I hit send and put my phone back and I read the newspaper then the chef came over with my food.

''Thanks so much.'' my mouth watered and I opened my roll up and put about 6 bacon on it and put loads of ketchup on it and I demolished it in 3 minutes and I put the plate in the sink and went up to my room and I got a shower then got dressed into a nice dress and sandals and my hair straight and I chilled out in my room before meeting my dad down stairs at 6 then we headed to our local restaurant, my favourite.

''So what have you been doing in New Zealand?'' he asked I cut my chicken and looked up at him.

''When I first moved there I spent the first week looking for jobs, I wasn't even a month there and I was working two jobs. I work in the local supermarket from 9-3 for $6 an hour so for my bills and rent I had to take up another job with was working a pub I worked there from 4pm- 2am for $7 an hour. It was hard at the first few months but then I got used to working around my money I got $490 at the end of the week with that job and $252 from the supermarket so I was managing on $742 a week, I didn't go cold or hungry if you are wondering, I had it pretty easy my rent was $600 a month so I still had almost 2 grand a month.''

''Whoa you can take care of yourself alone huh.'' I smiled and nodded. ''Yep, mom always told me only to spend what I need on shopping so I put money away from when the winter came I top up on the gas.'' I said he smiled

''That would have been nice to know, I thought you'd be in a ditch or under a bridge.'' I sighed.

''Dad you have no idea what's it is like.''

''I had an arrange marriage.''

''What and you were faithful to mom all your marriage.'' he looked down

''Not at the start, after I fell in love with her I never looked at other women.'' he said I nodded.

''See, I don't want that, dad it would have been Justin do you know who he is.'' he chuckled.

''He works for me sweetie.''

''Well then you know what he is like, I wouldn't want that kind of husband coming home smelling of other's girls perfume while I have to be the house wife, I want to go out have fun then fall in love and have a family, no matter if it's a tradition nobody should have an arrange marriage it' not nice.'' I said he nodded.

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