Chapter 23

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Selena's P.O.V

I laid my head on the pillow facing Justin as he slept. I ran my nails up and down his bare back and the bedroom door shot open I turned my head making sure I was covered.

''Jinx really barging in like that nearly gave me a heart attack. '' I said.

''Sorry I thought you'd be asleep, brought the newly engaged lady headache tablets and a cold bottle of coke.'' he held them up I smiled.

''What's the catch.'' I asked as he put them on the bedside locker.

''To wake your fiancée up, any time I try he hits me and we have to hit the mall get holiday clothes in.'' he said I nodded and smiled at fiancée he laughed and walked out.

''Nice legs by the way.'' he said.

''I'll break your neck asshole.'' Justin mumbled I laughed as Jinx's closed the door after him. I turned to Justin and scratched his back, he smiled with his eyes closed causing me to smile.

''Babe it's nearing 10 am.'' he hummed I leaned over kissing his shoulder.

''Halle is coming with us, you better get dresses as well Selena.'' Jinx called up the stairs, I hummed and opened the cap of the bottle of coke and swallowed two pills before giving it to Justin and I got up and went into the shower having a quick body wash when the door opened and Justin walked in, in his birthday suit and he opened the shower door and got in under the hose.

''Do you need to shop?'' he asked.

''No I'm going to help you, make sure you don't forget anything, plus I need go to family planning.'' I said he rubbed suds into his hair and washed it.

''Why?'' he asked.

''My seven days are up today I need to get the pill again'' he nodded opening his eyes and fixed my shower cap I smiled and got out wrapping a towel around myself and stood in front of the mirror and done my teeth and started doing my make-up.

''I hate packing.'' Justin sighed I smiled.

''Well we won't be shopping too long and we fly out late tonight so I can help you do yours, I'm the best packer in the world I love it.''

''You need to get out more.'' he said I laughed and washed my hands, he got out wrapping a towel around his waist I moved out of the way as he done his teeth. I kissed his shoulder and walked out into the bedroom, sat on the seat in the middle of the room and let out a long sigh. He came out with another towel drying himself and sat on the bed I got up opening a back of my clothes and I put my underwear on and got dressed.

''Ready?'' he asked putting his wallet into his pocket I nodded and we headed downstairs I stood at the kitchen table where my bags of gifts and cards were.

''I'll open them later come on.'' I said to them Justin grabbed his car keys and we headed down to his Range Rover and drove to Halle's, collected her and went to the mall.

''Ok Top Man have nice clothes.'' Jinx said we nodded and linked arms with Halle and we followed them in.

''I can't believe you're engaged, this ring is amazing.'' she gushed I smiled and nodded.

''Tell me about it, I woke up this morning thinking it was all a dream.'' she smiled and we walked over to the guys.

''You guys need help.'' two girls who work in the store walked over they looked at the guys.

''No thanks.'' they said turning away, the girls looked at each other and nodded, grinning and one walked towards Justin and the other to Jinx who looked at her.

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