Chapter 6

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Selena's P.O.V

It's been 3 weeks, since I last saw of him. I don't be around my house much because no one is there so I do be at Halle's apartment. We haven't been to the club since that night; instead we go into the city and go clubbing. I don't know if much has happened with that gang but my dad went away for two days still has men following me but he doesn't seem as protective so I've no idea what's up

''Come on it's been weeks since we've been in here'' Halle pulled me into the club putting my hands in my  and walked in after her. I looked around at the familiar club seeing a fight going on in the cage and people all shouting for different guy's names.

''Vodka and lemon'' I said the bartender looked up. ''Well, well, well haven't seen you around here in a while'' he said pouring my drink.

''Trying out new spots, yet always seem to be pulled back this way'' he laughed and I held my money out to him.

''On the house'' he winked I thanked him and I turned around looking at the cage while the girls got their drinks. ''Ok don't look but your man is looking at you from his table'' Halle said I hummed drinking from my straw and I looked around then over to his table I caught his eyes and I gave him a small smile and he returned it. Somehow he looks so much different yet not much. He turned 23 two weeks ago not that you can tell but there's just something in his eyes making him different.

''Come on'' Taylor said I nodded walking over to the table.

''Alright sexy ladies'' I turned my head to see 3 guys I gave them a small smiled and looked back at the cage, yes no longer a circle, whoever runs this place got a cage so there's no bodies climbing over the other to see the fight.

''3 fine things like you girls shouldn't be sitting alone come sit with us'' one said I rolled my eyes.

''No thanks we're fine here'' Taylor said. ''What about you gorgeous want to come'' one whispered in my ear licking my ear lobe I kneed him in the balls holding his shoulder.

''Do that again and I'll rip it from you understand'' he nodded. ''Now fuck off back to your own table'' I let him go and he bent over in pain and stood to his feet in agony and walked away I shook my head.

''Asshole'' I wiped my ear shivering I looked at the girls who were laughing causing me to laugh. ''Dance'' I asked they smiled and nodded getting up and we all walked to the dance floor just as ''Where have you been'' starting I smiled and we shook our hips as we walked into the middle of the dance floor.

''Alright sexy'' I turned to see a black guy I smiled. ''Alright handsome'' I smiled pulling him closer to me, I love getting guys going then walking away, I loved it messing with them, the guy kissed me I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck he picked me up and I wrapped my legs out his waist.

''Cheeky'' I mumbled he smiled kissing me pinning me up against the wall our intense make out I could feel out hard he was against me. I tightened my legs around him he groaned.

''That's enough Selena'' I pulled out turning my head to see Sam I frowned and the guy let me down I walked away from him Sam followed me.

''Sammy what the hell'' I asked. ''I'm on strict orders not to let anyone too close to you'' my jaw dropped.

''Tell my dad to go fuck off I'm not having this I can't even have fun''

''Selena this fucking basement is swarming with Latino bloods I can't fucking have anyone touching you'' he hissed to me I sighed.

''Stupid poxy gang bangers'' I grumbled he smiled and I walked back to the floor as ''She doesn't mind'' was starting. I smiled at the girls and we belly rolled shaking out hips teasing the guys around us.

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