Chapter 8

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Selena's P.O.V

''Pidge'' I heard someone say in the distance. ''Hey Pigeon wake up'' I felt someone shake me. I opened my eyes to see Justin standing in front of me I looked at him confused then I saw a blonde sitting on the stool in the kitchen.

''Oh crap sorry I must have dosed off reading this'' I said getting up wrapping the blanket around me and picked my phone and book up and I put the cups in the sink

''Night'' I said walked up the stairs, I looked over the banisters catching Justin's eye. I broke eye contact and I walked down to my room and I turned the bed side lamp on and I got under the covers putting my glasses on and I opened the page of the book I was on.

After reading a few pages I felt tiredness take over me again but I wasn't asleep fully so I heard Justin knocking on my door.

''Pigeon'' he whispered and when I didn't answered he walked over and took the book from my hand and I heard it going on the bedside locker and he took my glasses over and tucked some hair beside my ear.

''Goodnight beautiful'' he whispered kissing my cheek softly. I had to stop myself from moving or giving a hint of a smile as he turned the light off and walked out of the room.

Ugh Justin what are you doing to me.


''So you like him'' Gabby whispered with a big smile on her face I groaned she squealed and I slapped her arm.

''This is so amazing'' she gushed. ''How the hell is this amazing Gab, I sworn I would never get any feelings for a guy in this life, and here be now fucking fancy the arse of Rhage a guy who everyone knows and is afraid of'' I said she smiled and shrugged.

''You can't help who you like, don't fight this Selena because it always turns out messy'' she said I was about to open my mouth when the door shot open and Jaxon ran in.

''Ok'' he breathed his hand on his knees. ''Don't worry but Justin has been stabbed'' he said.

''What?'' we asked in unison I heard some hissing and wincing and in walked Jinx, Barry and an injured Justin. ''What the hell happened to you?'' I asked him as he sat down on the chair holding his side.

''Move your hand and let's see'' Gabby say pushing his hand to the side and lifted his top. ''That is awesome, you look totally badass'' she said he fought a smile and I pinched her leg.

''I mean I'll go get the first aid'' I nodded she ran off. ''Yeah and bring me the plastic box out under the 3rd cupboard to the left of the sink down the bottom and the vodka hand towel and cotton wool'' I said getting down on my knees in between his and I pushed his top up.

''Hold that up'' he held it and he looked pale his eyes closed. ''Hey there Bieber, keep your eyes opened until I'm done ok'' I said he opened his eyes and hummed I took the hand towel from Jaxon and I put pressure on it he winced.

''Sorry'' I said he shook his head and he looked at me. ''Think you can stay awake for the next bit'' he nodded.

''I've been through worse''

''Awesome'' I said taking the vodka from Gabby and put it in the cap and I put it on the wound the guys winched he let out a painful roar I squeezed his hand he gripped mine.

''First part is over, not long'' I said taking the needle and thread from Barry he put it together from me and I stitched his wound up and I put a big white bandage over it tight and looked at him he looked in pain but not like he cared.

''I think the little baby needs a lolly pop'' Jinx cooed pinching his cheeks taking like a grandpa would to a baby.

''Whip it out'' I joke Justin pushed his knees into my side fighting a smile I chuckled and sat on my knees. ''You ok'' he nodded and sat up pulling a painful face holding his hand on his side and he walked up the stairs painfully slow and two minutes later.

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