Chapter 21

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Selena's P.O.V

''Hey.'' I turned to see Justin; I smiled and went back to painting in the drawing of the butter fly I did earlier today.

''How you feeling baby?'' he asked I nodded. ''I'm good.'' I smiled and picked my diamonds up and went over to pillow was where my  was and I put them in the gaps at his eyes and nose.

''They're awesome what made ya do it?'' he asked.

''The skull was the first thing that came to mind the other design I saw in some magazine and I like it and the dove well you said a pigeon is a dove so I done it.'' I shrugged he kissed the back of my head and sat on the bed looking at me he shook his head I nodded and went back to what I was doing and I went over hitting shuffle on my IPod and sang along with it.

So here we stand
In our secret place
With a sound of the crowd
So far away
And you take my hand
And it feels like home
We both understand
It's where we belong

So how do I say?
Do I say goodbye?
We both have our dreams
We both wanna fly
So let's take tonight
To carry us through
The lonely times

I'll always look back
As I walk away
This memory
Will last for eternity
And all of our tears
Will be lost in the rain
When I've found my way
Back to your arms again
But until that day
You know you are
The queen of my heart

Queen of my heart

So let's take tonight
And never let go
While dancing we'll kiss
Like there's no tomorrow
As the stars sparkle down
Like a diamond ring
I'll treasure this moment
Till we meet again

But no matter how far
(Matter how far)
Or where you may be
(Where you may be)
I just close my eyes
(I just close my eyes)
And you're in my dreams
And there you will be
Until we meet

Oh yeah
You're the Queen of my heart
(Of my heart)
No matter How many years it takes
(Queen of my heart)
I'll give it all to you
Oh yeah
(Queen of my heart)
Oh yes you are
The queen of my heart

The song changed and put my brush down stepping back looking at the wall. I bit the inside of my lip tilting my head.

''What you think?'' I asked him he nodded.  ''I think it's lovely, you done a really good job in here. '' I nodded putting the paint brush down and tied my hair up. I looked at my gorgeous Marilyn Monroe frame and I put it back up  to the left of my bedroom door since I already put a second coat on the walls last night as I didn't sleep, I wasn't doing another, it look good enough. I moved my dresser back to the corner and I picked my mom's frame up and I walked over to the nail in the wait above my dressingtable, I kissed the glass running my fingers over it and I put it up I sighed and sat down on my chair and I wiped a tear from my cheek. Justin got up I looked at him he bent down wiping my tears away.

''You know she wouldn't want you to cry.'' he whispered I nodded and D-side ''Real World'' started playing, I looked down at the floor tears just as ran down my face as I listened to the song.

''She was my best friend, I feel empty without her, every day I act as if it ok but it's not, I want my mom back, she didn't deserve to die, she never done one bad thing on any one in her entire life, she always gave and gave and gave, she had a heart of gold.'' I sniffled he wiped my cheeks.

''I know baby, I know you miss her, you can cry you know, I'm never going to judge you. I know you want her around I see that look when your friends are with their mom and you haven't got her here but she is always with you Selena no matter where you go she is there.'' he said I nodded getting up.

''I'll be back in a minute.'' I said and went into the bathroom I closed the doorand I sat against my bath tub crying into a towel. I cried my heart out more than I have ever done in a long time, maybe since she died. I cried that much I got such a bad headache.

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