A Painful Reunion

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    Sir Pentious awoke to the sound of breaking glass. Though he was sluggish from sleep, it didn't take a genius to figure out he was being broke into.
     He sighed, getting up. "Probably one of thosssse punksss again", he grumbled sluggishly. He grabbed a smaller gun, which he had bought rather than designed, and slithered down the hallway. For the past month, younger demons would vandalize his home, as if he was just a joke to Hell's society.
    He came to the living room, most of the eggs were crowded around the perpetrator.
    "Boss! We can handle this!" One egg exclaimed upon seeing a sleepy Sir Pentious.
     "Yea! You go get some rest boss!" As the egg said this however, the perpetrator swatted him with their hand, sending the egg flying. Sir Pentious shoved his way through his minions to see a demon lying on his floor.
    "So.. you think you can break in and get away with it? Punk!?" Sir Pen snarled. This demon looked pretty rough. It was covered in mud, making it unrecognizable. The snake demon could also see this demon was injured, and badly.
    The demon raised it's head to hiss weakly at the eggs, it's eyes glowing faintly.
    The snake demons eyes widen. 'Why, there's only one demon with eyes like that and that's..' Pentious stopped himself. No, Alastor would never come to him for help. It just wasn't possible. Yet, here he was, battered and defenseless.
     "Well well. Alastor." Sir Pentious hissed with satisfaction.
      Alastor snarled weakly, "No need to gloat Pentious..".
     "Oh, but perhaps I do. I've got you defenseless. At last!"
      "You can't claim victory... someone else already has". Sir Pentious huffed at this. Of course he knew that, but seeing the Radio Demon in a weakened state certainly felt like a victory.
       "You've come to me for help? Your standards must be getting quite low".
       "I came for shelter... I don't need your help.." with this, Alastor got weakly to his feet, barely able to stand. At seeing this, a small worm of concern penetrated Pentious's black heart. Alastor appeared to have lost a lot of blood. Too much to be trying to move the way he was.
        "If you keep moving, your going to pass out" Pentious pointed out. Alastor growled in response, limping through the crowd of eggs. The eggs backed away, some in terror, some in awe. One defiant egg stood in his way.
          "You wrecked Boss's ship!" It shouted, pointing at Alastor. The deer demons eyes glowed.
           "If you don't move along I'll do the same to you" He growled darkly. He was not in the mood for such games.
          Sir Pentious was about to go to the deer, about to tell him he had no right and perhaps make fun of the deer when Alastor's smile faltered, his eyes flickered, and he passed out.

Injuries (RadioSnake) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now