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What Valentino didn't know, was a certain spider demon who had showed up for work had heard every word of the conversation. Angel was frozen stiff with fear, hiding in his dressing room. He knew Valentino wasn't kidding. He'd watched his boss break countless of demons, and now Alastor would be his next victim.

Though Angel was not one to feel remorseful, he felt pity in Alastor. He could hear Alastor was chained up and defenseless. Angel bit his nails. Should I try to go for help? I mean I know Al is pretty strong but.. no demon deserves what Val is about to put him through. But who could I go too? Angel then remembered the older snake demon that had come to the hotel.

Angel was no expert at love, but he was an expert at sexual tension. And there was plenty of it between the snake and Alastor. Angel stifles a shaky breath. I have to get out of here.. Angel knew he couldn't just walk out his dressing room door, Valentino would see him and catch him.

Angel placed around his room, looking around. With a realization, he realized his window was unlocked and open to let fresh air in. Oh duh! Angel you idiot! Angel looked out the window. He was two stories up, but there was an overflowing dumpster beneath his window. Angel sucked in a breath, knowing he would have to jump.

Angel stepped back, trying to calm down his nerves. It's okay Angel.. it's only a little jump. You'll land soft as a pillow. You can do this. You have to do this for Al's sake. Angel finally took in a deep breath, and ran to the window, climbed out, and jumped.

Angel was free falling, the wind whistling around him. He held his hand over his mouth to muffle his scream of fear. With a loud bang he landed in the dumpster, covered in garbage but unharmed. He lay still in fear Valentino had heard him escape, but after a moment, all that was heard were the normal sounds of Pentagram City's streets.

Angel dug his way out of the garbage and hopped out of the dumpster. Adrenaline made him tremble as he fought to catch his breath. After only a moment, Angel took off running.

Angel ran as fast as he could, and even though his lungs started to burn, he ran all the way to the Hazbin Hotel, only 17 hours after Alastor had ran in the opposite direction.

Angel barged through the doors, startling Charlie and Vaggie, who'd been talking in the lobby. "Angel?.. I thought you went to work?" Charlie asked. Angel panted, huffing. "Alastor's in danger! Val's got him!" Charlie's eyes went wide with fright and even Vaggie, who had no liking for Alastor whatsoever, seemed genuinely concerned.

Sir Pentious had slept uneasily since Alastor stormed out on him, and was packing his things. He was tired of trying to chase Alastor around. Sure, his heart hurt from Alastor's rejection, but he knew he had to move on. It was time for him to go home.

Angel managed to drag his exhausted body up the stairs, and yelled. "Alastor's in danger, old man! Val is going to break him!" Those words turned Sir Pentious ice cold. He didn't care if Alastor had rejected him. He needed to save him. He turned to Angel, vengeance burning in his eyes. "Then let's get him back."

Injuries (RadioSnake) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now