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It only took a few moments for Sir Pentious to realize Alastor had taken the bullet for him. Once again, he saw pure red, and this time, no one held him back. In pure rage, he attacked the demon who dared hurt Alastor. After several bludgeons to the head, Sir Pentious ripped the gun out of Valentino's hand, and shot three times. Valentino lay still, and moved no more.

Sir Pentious dropped the gun and slithered to Alastor's motionless body, coming to him, cradling the wounded deer in his arms. Thick, oily black blood oozed from Alastor's wound. Alastor opened his eyes, feeling that he was in his love's arms.

"Pentious..." Alastor coughed, blood running from his mouth. The older demon gently shushed him, applying pressure to Alastor's wound. "Don't speak.. don't speak. I'm going to fix this." He ripped a piece of his Victorian suit and gently bandaged the wound.

Alastor weakly tried summoning his powers, but he had lost too much blood. Everything was going dark. Am I?.. Double dying?.. Alastor tried to focus on Sir Pentious, but his vision was becoming blurry. His body grew heavy, and soon it became hard to move.

"Al, stay with me! Look at me! Stay awake! Don't close those eyes!" Sir Pentious practically shouted. Alastor's eyelids felt so heavy.. he just wanted to rest. He reached up to touch Sir Pentious's scaly face, smiling softly at the smooth, scaly texture.

Sir Pentious leaned into the hand on his cheek, tears leaking from his eyes. He knew his demon power wasn't strong enough to save Alastor. He began to cry. He'd come so far and to know that Alastor loved him back completed his soul. He felt.. like he had never felt before. And now.. as Alastor's life slipped away before his eyes, he felt as if part of his own soul was being ripped from him.

"I love you..." Alastor reminded his love weakly. He knew there was nothing either of them could do, and wanted to savor these last moments with the older demon. Sir Pentious sobbed and gently stroked Alastor's soft hair. "I love you too.. why did you do that for me?"

Alastor looked up at him with a weak smile. "Because that's what true love is... sometimes.. sacrifice has to happen.." Sir Pentious cradled his deer gently to his chest, stroking his hair and ears. "Why end it like this?.. Why did you have to push me out of the way?"

"If I hadn't pushed you.. you'd be dying. I guess it was an instinct.. to protect you.." Alastor said softly, voice fading out. Sir Pentious stroked his face, trying to make Alastor feel loved in what little time was left.

Alastor felt darkness surrounding him, his body heavy and numb. The last sight he saw before he closed his eyes was Sir Pentious's tear stained face and beautiful serpent-like eyes. Alastor felt his body grow limp, and succumbed to the darkness.

Sir Pentious continued to hold Alastor, sobbing and pure pain. He barely noticed Angel coming in, the hotel residents behind him. After Sir Pentious had gone in, Angel had run back to the hotel for reinforcements. But now, it seemed too late.

They all gathered around Sir Pentious, and he looked up, tears running from his eyes. "He's gone.. he took a bullet for me.. I couldn't save him.." Sir Pentious's explanation dissolved into sobs.

He felt a hand on his shoulder. It was the princess of Hell. "Sir Pentious, I know someone that can save Alastor, but we have to hurry. Before Alastor is truly gone."

Injuries (RadioSnake) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now