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Sir Pentious awoke to the morning light shining on his face. He blinked several times, then moved to get up. As he tried to get up, however, he felt a sudden weight pinning him down. It was a softly sleeping Alastor, hugging Sir Pentious's tail in his sleep. Sir Pentious's face flushed red, and his hood flared in surprise. He must have fallen asleep when were talking last night.. At this, Sir Pentious remembered the conversation. Alastor's past had definitely not been kind to him. Deep down in his icy, black heart, he felt sorry for Alastor. Again, the warm, fluttery feeling filled his chest, and Sir Pentious finally realized what it was with a sickening realization. Am.. am I in love!? He shook his head. No.. it can't be! I can't love a demon like him! This isn't right.. it must be something else..

Though the snake demon tried in vain to deny his feelings, as he looked down at the peacefully sleeping Radio Demon, it became undeniable. He was in love. It's useless.. even if I do love him.. he'll never love me back. He's too ignorant and too high class for love. He sighed, watching the deer demon sleep. He had an urge to pet the younger demon, but rebelled against it. If he sees me petting him, he'll probably bite my hand off.

Very slowly, Alastor began to wake and come to his senses. The light of Hell coming through the window warmed his back. The blankets he was laying on were soft and silky. For a moment, Alastor thought he was back home, and cuddled the pillow in his arms. With a start, he realized what he was hugging wasn't his pillow. He shot up to face a blushing Sir Pentious, and fully realized where he was. Alastor's face flushed bright red from embarrassment.

Both blushing demons continued to stare at one another for several minutes before Sir Pentious broke the silence. "Breakfast?" He asked, tail tip twitching. "Yes. Please." Alastor replied quickly, getting up hurriedly. Sir Pentious quickly slithered out of the room, leaving Alastor alone.

He slumped against the wall, letting the warm feeling overpower him. He hated to admit it, but it was true. He had feelings for the older demon. Goddamnit Alastor.. you weren't careful and now your attached. He wouldn't love you, he can't even see past his ego. I shouldn't have opened up to him. Now.. I'm stuck. Alastor had felt love once before, but had brutally broken what was left of his blackened heart.

Alastor thumped the back of his head against the wall, clenching his fists. He could've never expected this. Sure, Sir Pentious had been treating him well and actually comforting him, he knew the demon could never change. He was only a demon, after all. And no demon was capable of love.

He needed to leave, before this got worse. He would not let this love destroy him like last time. If I leave now, I can spare the pain. Perhaps I can crawl back to that Hotel to hide. I just need to disappear. Alastor sighed sadly, a slow tear running down his cheek. In a soft, sorrowful voice, we whispered, "So this is love.."

Injuries (RadioSnake) (Hazbin Hotel)Where stories live. Discover now