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Moving through the busy streets of North Carolina, Travis walked on the bare sidewalks. He should've thought better, along with his friends. It was his decision to move to North Carolina, not knowing it would also mean there would be barely any fucking sidewalks. Giving a deep sigh, the short male sharply turned to the right and walked into the dollar store his friend worked at. "Hey Travis!" "Hey..." Noticing the smaller's glum mood, Carson furrowed his eyebrows. "What's wrong, Trav?" Travis perked up before waving his hand. "Oh- it's nothing. I'm just bored... and a bit hungry too." He grinned, noticing the sudden distress replacing Carson's worried features. "You're not supposed to go to the store when you're hungry!" "I'm always hungry!" The male laughed, grabbing a basket and going towards the snack aisle. "Touché, touché." "Carson, don't your work at that ice cream parlor or something?" Carson perked up before looking at the cash register with a flushed face. "Well- yeah, ozzie's is pretty good but I need that extra money. Ya' know?" The two giggled at the reference as Travis placed some cookies into the basket along with some pizza Pringle's. He moved towards Carson and placed the items to scan. "Where're you're going? You walked here, didn't you?" Getting a nod, Carson continued as he scanned the snacks. "Damn, you're gonna get fat. Remember to just exercise." Travis shot him a slight confused smile. "The only reason I walk is because Ted and Noah work as teachers and they have to use the car and then Cooper drops everyone off at their work area." The male chortled softly, taking out his wallet and handing the cash to the blonde and getting his bag of snacks. "That's because Cooper and Charlie work at the same restaurant that's far away so it's easier to drop off everyone and then them last. I'll see you later Trav!" Carson waved goodbye, Travis walking to the exit and placing the basket back. 'If I actually do.'

He hastily walked away from the dollar general's glass doors and window before pulling out his pastel cased phone. Quickly and sloppily, he types in the address of a well known deal maker into maps and pressed the go button. He took the way to the deal makers location, frowning when he saw it was a 45 minutes walk and would've been cut in half in car. 'Dang, I should've bought a car...' Shaking his head, Travis continued the walk with a frown on his features. He wasn't looking to strike up a deal, he wasn't stupid. The deal maker was a terrifying being and those who did not repay was given terrible consequences. Well, Travis' mom didn't raise a spider killing fool. He was smart, but just air headed and that made his intelligence strange. He was looking for an adventure, so certainly the deal maker would have one. "You have arrived at your destination, 'Deal Maker's area'." Siri voiced, making Travis press the done button and shove his phone into his pocket. He stared up at the building, taking in it's features. It was winter in North Carolina and they were finally getting snowed on, which made the building stand out in the white wonderland. The building was fully black with black curtains and looked similar to a medieval house, making it pop out in the snow. 'It's beautiful.' Giving a heavy sigh once again, Travis fixed the hood of his hoodie and walked up to the porch.
He ventured in front of the door, tensing when he felt millions of eyes on him from every direction. There was no one nearby, the deal maker lived far away from actual people, the nearest houses just a mile away. "Dang, it's so cold." Travis shivered, taking his mind off the feeling and knocking on the door. After about five minutes, the door opened to reveal someone Travis did not expect.

The deal maker was taller then Travis, but that was just because he was below average height and stood at 5'6" and the deal maker was said to be 5'10". He was a goblin compared to the DM(I'm done bruh). The DM had black eyes. His skin was pale and his nails were long, painted black. He had his soft blonde hair tied into a ponytail and had poof bangs in front of his eyes with two milk chocolate streaks that stayed out of the ponytail. He wore a white ram mask, a black suit with a crimson red tie, and black combat boots. Tied around his neck was a neat crimson ribbon with a obsidian middle, the most treasured thing of the deal makers.

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