19 - YoItsGold

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'Gold's next.' Travis glanced at the silent brunette, who was playing with his blonde tips. "Gold." "Hm?" Gold turned his attention away from his shoes and to the smaller. "So uh- how's it like visiting for you?" The taller only looked around the sidewalk in return. "Well..." He started before glancing down at his feet. "The whole county is on edge, no doubt. This killer is mainly targeting males, on the contrary of Kara and Angel." Noticing Travis freeze, Gold quickly derailed the conversation. "Anyways, I think I have to go. Y'know, animals and stuff." He laughed slightly before hurriedly walking off, leaving the brunette alone. 'Huh?'


Travis stared down at the blood that coated his hands and shakily looked at the corpse.

Why was most of his day missing?

Why couldn't he remember anything?

What happened?

How did this happen?

Gold was crumbled on the ground, his head smashed in and a baseball bat lied on the side beside a gun. The dent in his head made the bullet hole unnoticeable. 'Oh my god.'

Travis covered his mouth before choking at the smell. Putrid. He should've been used to it by now. He's killed so many people. So why isn't he used to it?

Maybe it was because he was close friends with Gold.

'No, that's stupid.'

Travis snapped his head upwards, hearing the sirens of police in the distance. He looked around the room wildly before jumping out the broken window and climbing down the side of the house.

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