14 - Roasted James

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Potter: Have you seen poke?


Dogggboy: Nope
Potter: ???
Potter: You never say nope
Potter: You only day no
Doggyboy: Askshsjsbjajasjsjsjsjsjsjwjwjsbajabzdghajan
Potter: Fucking poke's internet password
Doggyboy: ;(
Potter: But seriously
Potter: Have you seen Poke?
Doggyboy: No?
Doggyboy: I thought he would talk to you first?
Potter: Well the bitch didn't answer his phone

'Right, Schlatt took it didn't he? Or did he destroy it...'

Potter: Can you at least call him?
Doggyboy: Why not you?
Potter: I'm on a train dumb ass
Potter: And I found a corpse on the last train
Doggyboy: H O W
Potter: Actually two corpses
Potter: The old lady died on my shoulder
Doggyboy: B R U H

Travis, now traumatized on James' train stories, clicked on Schlatt's chat.

SuckMyPop: Hey
SuckMyPop: Do you have Poke's phone?
Crimson: Hm?
Crimson: Yeah
Crimson: I watched it ring
Crimson: Also why is the caller ID "burnt jamie boy think he's smart what a dumbass"?
SuckMyPop: Idk
SuckMyPop: James wanted me to call the phone
Crimson: Tell the bitch it got to voicemail.
SuckMyPop: Alright
SuckMyPop: Is he my new victim? :(
Crimson: Yes
Crimson: Kill him like
Crimson: Idk
SuckMyPop: Hamilton
Crimson: JD
Crimson: No
SuckMyPop: NOOO
Crimson: At least create arson?
Crimson: Burn the house
SuckMyPop: Wth
SuckMyPop: That sounds fun
Crimson: Good


Travis crossed his arms in annoyance, bringing his legs to his chest. The tree behind him casted a large ass shadow, shading the male. If it wasn't for his fucking brunette hair no one would think he would be there. Haha shit. Travis glanced around before biting his tongue when he saw the familiar raven walk up to him. "Travis? What're you doing here?" The male stayed quiet, keeping his eyes trained on the taller. James took a silent seat beside the secret killer, putting a blank bitch face over his confused one. "How's life with the boys?" "...Could've been better." He replied blankly, staring down at his shoes. James hesitated speaking before furrowing his eyebrows. "You're tone is bland and void of hope. Are you okay?"
Travis gave him a sharp glare. "I'm... fine. I'm just tired, Jamie." He gave a small sigh, leaning back onto the tree and stuffing his hands into his pockets. "If you're tired go the fuck to sleep." The male stared at the raven before standing up, the taller following soon after. "So what're you doing in this fine night in the edge of a forest?" "I could ask the same thing." Travis shot back with a glare. "I was at the book store," James clarified with a grin, "I heard about the book Carrie from Stephen King and wanted to read it. Pretty gorey." The brunette stared up at him before rolling his eyes. "I'm not interested."
James blinked softly before crossing his arms, the Barnes and nobles bag making the annoying crinkle sound. "What's with the attitude, Trav?" "Nothing, Jamie. I told you, I'm tired." The raven stared at him in annoyance before sighing. "I'll see you tomorrow or something. Good night." "Good night." Alarmed at the shorter's tone, he swiftly turned around to see him calmly walking the other way. 'Why's he so worried? I just said good night.' Travis scoffed softly, walking onto an overpass and standing to the edge. 'It's like that one song by Ilymations. The overpass is close, no would even know. No one would even care.'
He took out the card of James and swiftly dragged his index finger on the edge, gaining a paper cut. 'Ouch.' Cringing at the sound of a motorcycle behind him, the male cupped his right ear in annoyance. 'Carrie... I watched the first movie before. It the telekinesis bullied girl and she killed everyone in her school. At the end of the movie she caved in her mom's house and burnt it down... I probably look like a psychopath standing here.' Travis placed the card away before waling off, following the way to James' house. 'Should I kill him by doing a Carrie or Heathers? Actually, stabbing him in the back sounds like pain so I'll burn the house down.' He snorted softly.


'Alright! The plan is to make him drink drain cleaner and theenn... burn the house. He has some spare gasoline around the house, doesn't he?' Travis furrowed his eyebrows, glaring through the window. 'If only I could pick locks, this would be waay easier.' He looked around the area before climbing onto a tree. 'He has skylights, so *fancy*.' The male glanced at the other houses before slipping onto the roof, losing his footing as soon as he landed. He got the footing again before moving to the skylight and pulling it upwards. 'He left it open a bit. Must love the night wind.' Travis slipped through the window and kind of just dangled there before stepping onto James' chair and dropping down. 'Alright then.' He moved off the chair and into the kitchen, filling a cup with drain cleaner. 'I feel bad. He didn't even read Carrie yet.' The male moved back into the bedroom and furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. 'Should I just pour it into his mouth?' He quickly moved beside the raven before nodding his head. Travis quickly poured the drain cleaner into James' mouth and ran out the room, hearing him choke on the blue liquid. 'I don't want to be in his shoes.' He grabbed at the gasoline in the garage and poured it around the house, hearing the ravenette's chokes and gasps become less and less frequent until there was none left. The male grabbed a stool from the dining room and a screwdriver, opening the fire detectors and taking out the batteries.

'Mmm, right of passage, classic maverick.'

Travis grabbed at the box of matches underneath the sink.

'Match in the gas tank-'

He lit a match and opened the back door.

'Ooh, that's ratchet.'

The male dropped it into the gasoline and ran off, watching as the house ignited into flames on the inside. He couldn't help but grin as the fire started to spread.

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