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"Travis, are you awake?" Travis groaned, sitting up and rubbing his head. 'What was that dream?' "Yeah, sorry. What happened?" "You were crying!" Cooper loudly exclaimed, making the group flinch. "Travis, do you need to talk about something?" Noah carefully said, making the pudgy brunette purse his lips. "Y-Yeah, I just... oh, are we streaming?" Ted laughed softly, despite the tense air. "Yea! Did you forget?" A familiar laugh sounded, making Travis shiver slightly. "Kinda! Is it okay if I say it on stream?" Carson huffed slightly before giggling. "Sure. If you want." "Okay!" Travis loudly exclaimed, grinning softly. "Sooo, when I was sleeping, I had a dream where Schlatt takes deals and the lunch club and others people from smp has taken deals from his except for me, somehow!" Charlie snorted. "The hell?" Travis continued. "I wasn't looking for a deal and instead looking for an adventure and I went to Schlatt. Schlatt tells me you guys never repaid him so he has to take something else other then pay; your lives since you guys value it as much as Schlatt values pay." Josh audibly gasped. "Since I was looking for an adventure, Schlatt gives me the task to kill off... you guys and bring back your heart/soul back to him." "That's fucking scary!" Schlatt whined, making Travis flinch. "I don't like it... i-it was scary... I didn't like the blood, I didn't like seeing the guts and brains and..." The sound of headphones were flung off, followed by a door opening then slamming shut.
"H-huh?" Travis took off his headphones, turning to the chat in confusion. 'Wha- Cooper?' His door busted open and Cooper tackled the brunette out his chair and to the ground. The yelp sounded throughout the house, alerting Carson and Noah. The two extras ran towards Travis' room before sighing happily, seeing Cooper smothering Travis in a bear hug. "What is happening, is Travis and Cooper fucking each other?" Schlatt commented, making Charlie snort. "No, don't fucking say that Schlatt. But what is happening?" Noah ran up to Travis' microphone as Carson ran off. "They're just hugging, don't worry. Pretty sure Cooper is breaking Trav's spine though." Cooper loudly yelped, unwrapping himself from Travis and checking his body. "Are you okay? Did I break your spine?!" "I-I'm okay. Can I just continue sitting in my chair?" Noah walked away from the microphone, leaving the room as he spoke. "If you want, I can turn off your stream, fish." "First off, fuck you. Second off, sure. I'm staying in here when Travis has another breakdown." The raven hummed in response, jogging off. Ted sighed heavily. "Damn, wish I could run without giving my leg blisters." He joked, raising the mood as Travis sat back on his chair and Cooper chilling on the floor. "The dream sounded terrifying, watching your friends die at the blood of your hands." Josh said, giving a sigh at the end.
"It was scary and then Schlatt had the audacity to use ghosty Ty and Connor to kill Dinkster, Arlus, Fitz, and a couple others. And he wanted me to kill them myself. >:(" "How'd you say that?" Charlie hummed, getting a giggle and laughter in return. Travis leaned his cheek into his palm, turning his head to the side of his desk. Sitting beside his fake plants was a white drawstring pouch with a stack of cards.

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