11 - Pokay

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BitchBaby: OwO
Powokay: Fuck no
BitchBaby: O•O
Powokay: Excuse me I'm fucking streaming aaaaaaaaaa
BitchBaby: Æ
Powokay: It's pronounced 'i' dumb bitch baby
BitchBaby: sad uwu
Powokay: Fucking stop
Powokay: You need to be punted like an orphan
BitchBaby: I wanna go to the forest
Powokay: If you get punted by that serial killer, I'm not coming to save you

Travis scoffed slightly. 'Jokes on him.'

BitchBaby: What're you streaming?
Powokay: Danganronpa 2
BitchBaby: •-•
BitchBaby: You wanna go to the forest
Powokay: You're bringing the food

Travis heaved a heavy sigh, kicking his legs up on his desk and dodging his set up. 'I should leave early... Wait- which park?'

BitchBaby: Hey which forest are we going to?
Powokay: The one where it large ass fuck I don't fucking know
BitchBaby: Ok a
BitchBaby: What time?
BitchBaby: Okay! :D
Powokay: Wtf no don't actually
BitchBaby: Too late
Powokay: Shit

'That's a long while away... guess I'll have to sleep late and wake up later.' And Travis did just that, what an icon.


Humming softly, Travis walked towards the heavy woods. "Travis." He turned around, seeing Pokay just nearby. "Nice to see you again, how has it been?" "Uhm... pretty stressful I guess." This peaked the taller's interest as the duo walked towards the forest. "Oh?" "I'm just trying to look for a job but anywhere I look isn't asking for people so..." He laughed nervously, the two walking into the forest quietly talking with each other. "So, how's the Lunch Club? How have they been?" "Oh, they've been okay. Noah and Ted are actually best friends since all their students think they're dating and that's how you know you know how your best friends." Travis explained thoughtfully, making Pokay laugh lightly. "Damn, do they joke with them about it?" "With the students, yes and then they just get confused and when they figure out they tell the kid to sit down." Pokay laughed, making Travis giggle softly. "Damn, that's uncomfortable. Just trying to teach music and then one of your fucking students just makes the joke." The male laughed softly. "So, you said you wanted some snacks? I got cookies and stuff!" The other gasped as he slipped off his bag. "You have cc?" He nodded, taking out a bag and handing it to the taller. "So, have you ever wondered who the serial killer is?" The lighter brunette raised his eyebrows. "Huh? Why are you even asking about that dude?" "I-I just wanna know!"
Pokay laughed lightly before placing the cookies in his pockets. Travis placed his bag back on and looked around, seeing that the two were in the forest and more deep then he expected. "Why are we so deep in the forest?" The male yelped, flinching at the loud shot. He ran off, gripping his shoulder. 'What the heck?!' "Damnit SneegSnag!" Joko's voice sounded, Pokay quickly retorting something. Travis sighed heavily, slipping down the side of a tree breathlessly. 'I should've brought the other two cards...' He sighed heavily. "Hiiiii. Was just dropping in~." Schlatt chirped beside him, fixing his mask. "Schlatt! Jesus Christ, help me!" He whined, the other patting his head. "Alright, alright. Chase away one of them and I'll get the other two." "Joko and Pokay bounce off each other, why would you fight the two in unison?" The blonde laughed halfheartedly. "What? You think I'm fighting those fuckwads with just me?" "...Pants and ribbon?" "No, just using another victim. KaraCorvus."

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