7 - Emkay

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Crimson: Yo
Crimson: Gay baby
SuckMyPop: 👀
Crimson: You need to actually kill someone >:(
SuckMyPop: I'm in forced quarantine 😔
Crimson: Too bad
Crimson: Kill someone >:(
SuckMyPop: D:
SuckMyPop: But Noah
SuckMyPop: Long words are scary
SuckMyPop: But you owe me ice cream >:(
Crimson: Deal

"I can help with that!" "No." Travis snorted softly, putting away his phone and grabbing the normal killing stuff(I've gotten lazy aishrjejw). "What?! Why?!" "Because you fucked everything up when you went to kill Grizzly. You made a mess and alerted the neighbors! You're just lucky you killed him before the police even arrived!" 'Tea.' He fiddled with his hands, tilting his head as the two voices fought. "So, are you guys voices or ghosts?" Pants responded with ghosts and ribbon responded with voices. "...I need an answer." "Whatever fits!" "We need to take you to the next victim's house." The male sighed heavily, pouting slightly. "That's too much work." "Remember the first time we got you in the house?" "...No..." "Travis, who are you talking to?" Carson tiredly said from the other side of the door, making Travis panic and pick up his phone. "Oh! I'm just talking with some friends!" "Mhm... okay..." Carson walked off, Travis still panicking and having a small breakdown. "Oh god no Travis no it's okay, he's gone!" The male laughed half-heartedly with a smile. "Eh. It's okay." He grabbed the next card in the stack. "I got Emkay." "Do a Veronica!" "No, do a JD!" "You want him to blow up?!" Snorting slightly, Travis rolled his eyes and pulled on his gloves. "Fun... Do I kill him like Heather red?" "Do it!" "There was a sword fight in her mouth-!" "Don't dare try it!" Travis giggled slightly before checking the time on his phone. 10:31 am.


Travis silently opened his window and checked behind him. "You're fine, just go!" "God sheesh..." He slipped onto the part of the roof under his window and silently closed it. The male moved off the roof and to somewhere close to the ground. He jumped off the roof and into the grass, narrowly missing the dead flowers Carson grew. Travis huffed in annoyance, standing up and brushing dirt off his body. 'They forgot to turn on the porch light... Pfft.' He moved onto the sidewalk and walked off, fixing his hood. 'I'm hungry... What does drain cleaner taste li- actually I don't wanna know.'


'Bust your kneecaps oo whop dee do whop dee do.' Travis hummed slightly, kicking his legs back and forth. "Okay I'm getting bored, we're doing a woosh and taking you there." "Don't you fucking dare-." Travis blinked with a small hum, finding himself inside a dark kitchen. "Damnit!" "Kehe— >:)" 'W hat-?' He shook his head before looking under the sink, searching for drain cleaner. He grabbed the bottle and placed it on the ground carefully as stood and started searching for a mug. The male found it in one of the cabinets above the microwave before going back to the drain cleaner and pouring some inside the cup. He placed the drain cleaner back and walked out the kitchen and around the house, searching for Emkay's room. 'Where the heckity heck is his room?' Travis ventured around the house before going into another room and seeing the reddit youtuber sleeping with his back to his room. 'Omg scary.' He quietly went to the bedside table and placed down the cup, before freezing when he heard the sleeping male stir awake. The younger covered his mouth and looked around before hiding under Emkay's recording table. He took out his drawstring pouch, checking for the card before quietly watching. Emkay sat up from his bed and turned towards the cup with a small mumble before taking a swig. From underneath Travis' heart, he must've became a fucking psychopath since he almost felt joy watching the reddit guy choke. 'Oh nose I'm turning into Stephen D:'
The goblin shook his head, continuing to listen to the chokes before it quietly died down. He crawled out from the desk and up to the corpse, covering it's mouth a closing his eyes tightly. The smell of drain cleaner and blood and fish was not a good combination. 'Fish?' Travis opened his eyes, took away his pouch, and sealed it up, looking around in confusion. 'Wait... OH MY GOD I'M GONNA DIE TOO!' He panicked before blinking and finding himself in his bedroom. 'Gosh darn it...' The male whimpered, covering his head and looking towards his window. Closed and locked tightly.

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