12 - KaraCorvus

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Travis sighed heavily, flexing his shoulder. It was wrapped tightly with a bandage Schlatt carried and he struggled with getting the bullet out before he could even wrap the damn thing. It ached like hell and he shouldn't even be using it. 'Lucky it was my non-dominant arm.' He flipped the knife in his hand and looked around with a small frown, searching for SneegSnag he had dragged away. The male heard a small gasp and a gunshot from a different direction, probably from Joko. He shook his head and walked on, before pausing when he saw Schlatt mauling a dead Pokay. "Oh... hi!" Travis puffed one cheek in annoyance. "That's so mean, and he's dead too!" "Says the one who literally made a victim drink drain cleaner." The shorter pouted. "Hey, blame your kids. They wanted a heathers." Schlatt raised his hands. "Aw c'mon! You're not supposed to listen to those goblins!" He looked past the shorter's shoulder. "Hiya SneegSnag." Travis sharply turned around, holding his knife in threatening way. It... kind of worked. SneegSnag hesitated for a moment, his grip on the gun faltering before holding it tightly. "Don't even try it, the bullet will be smacked back at you." The deal maker sighed, picking up Pokay's gun from the ground and twirling it as he ventured beside the goblin. "You're trying to be intimidating."
"Says the one with a nightlight in his room." The blonde mocked, his grin obvious in his voice. SneegSnag cocked his gun and shot. "Get fucked." Schlatt returned the gunshot with his own to the forehead. Travis covered his mouth with a gag, watching his friend get his brains blown out. "This reminds me of JFK." "Schlatt why?"


"Where's Kara?" Schlatt shrugged at the question. "Hopefully dead." The two walked through the forest before finding a dead Kara facedown on the ground. "Damn, I thought she would last longer. At least she trapped the trapped the fog into the snow." Travis whimpered slightly before walking up to the corpse and pushing her to the side. Schlatt watched from a distance before looking around. "Where's Joko?"

A/N: O k a this book is gonna be in a smalllll(hopefully) hiatus. I need to get my inspiration bacc 👀👀

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