1 - 24 Frames Of Nick

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Kicking his legs back and forth, Travis grinned on face cam. He was slightly tired so he wasn't paying attention to the donations and dozing out and in of sleep. He turned towards his phone with a small hum, seeing a message from an unknown number. "Hold on chat, I got a message." The male chirped, grabbing his phone and opening the message.

Unknown Number: Hi :D
Travis Trades: Hello
Unknown Number: You remember mee? 👀👀
Travis Trades: No :0
Unknown Number: >:0000 HOW DARE YOU

Travis giggled softly, tilting his head to his computer screen. "Aw, thank you xkakayx for the donation!" The robotic voice spoke under him as he continued. "I'm doing good, just hungry and tired, that's all." He turned back to his phone at the new message.

Unknown Number: Hey there demon it's me, ya boi. J Schlatt the deal maker :p
Travis Trades: Oop
Travis Trades: I'm streaming can you like not >:(((((
Crimson: I know, I'm watching. Tell Ted Nivison I request a jug of milk.
Travis Trades: Okay a

"Hey Ted?" Travis called, his door slightly opening from said male after a minute. "Yeah?" "This guy requests a jug of milk." Ted blinked before tilting his head. "Who?" "Idk some rando." "Travis, Charlie already told you to stop fucking responding to random numbers." The milkman laughed, closing the door and walking off. Travis turned back to his computer with a shrug, turning off his phone and placing it near the stack of cards offscreen. "Anyways, what was I saying? Uhm... oh yeah! Yesterday, I found Carson working at the nearby dollar store and when I asked him he just said he wanted more moneey." He laughed softly, taking a glance at his phone that lit up. "I also found some cool cards. I like them, they're decorated cool." It was half truth half lie. He technically didn't find it but he thought they were cool.

Crimson: Heeeeeeeeeyy, you got any snacks? :ooooooo :<============>

"I think it's time for me to stop streaming. Goodbye!" Travis chirped, turning off the stream and clicking out of twitch. Sighing in contentment, he grabbed his phone as Schlatt typed again.

Crimson: Ayo bitch wtf I was enjoying the stream dumb bitch wtf
Travis Trades: :3
Crimson: Fuck you, I'm going to your house and eating your shoes so you can go outside in your fucking socks
Travis Trades: Jokes on you, I have 16 years of black widow killing under my belt >:D
Crimson: Dumb whore is that supposed to stop me? >:(
Travis Trades: 👀👀🍵🍵
Crimson: Dumb whore >:(((((((
Travis Trades: 🍵 👯‍♀️
Crimson: ...
Crimson: Does that mean tea sisters?
Travis Trades: ✅✅✅
Crimson: Yo I'm gonna give you a new name instead of Travis Trades
Travis Trades: 👁👄👁
Crimson: Ok a I'll call you marshmallow
Marshmallow: :(
Crimson: What
Marshmallow: :((
Crimson: Dumb bitch you need to say words
Marshmallow: :(((
Crimson: I don't speak dumbass
Marshmallow: Do I have to kill someone?
Crimson: One person a day
Crimson: Or week idk are you a pussy?
SuckMyPop: I AM NOT 👯‍♀️ 😱
Crimson: Then kill one of them
SuckMyPop: Excuse?
Crimson: You saw that Travis.
Crimson: Kill one of them.
SuckMyPop: Like... today?
Crimson: Yes
SuckMyPop: Fine, I'll kill Nick.
Crimson: Alright, I'll see your murder later~

Travis blinked before growling under his breath. He turned off his phone and grabbed Nick's card with the pouch. The male stuffed the card into the pouch before grabbing his keys. He bounded out his room with his supplies and his iconic small backpack and a black cat hoodie and jumped the stairs four at a time. "Yo Trav! Where are you going?" Noah hummed, standing at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, I was gonna go exploring. How was your class?" To this, the chorus teacher made a slight groan. "Damn, this girl Hayden, she was a bitch to deal with. Got me angry enough I took off my arm and almost smacked the shit out of her." Travis laughed softly before exiting the house. "I'll see you later Noah! Take care with your arm!" Noah waved his hand, closing the door behind the goblin. He took out his phone and immediately started texting Schlatt.

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