8 - FitMC

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A/N: Look at my sneaky snatcher man uwuwuwuwuwuwuw also I forgot his arm splotches shit

"Have you ever just wanted to shave your head bald?" "I have before. Then I head to dye it again and it was a mess." Schlatt responded, sipping his tea. "...So, if you have pants and ribbon, why can't you just make them kill the group? Why me??" The blonde gave a heavy sigh, lowering down his mask as he placed down the teacup. "Because, ribbon is a stubborn boy and I had to pay for his college fund while pants is just... yeah I dunno." A jade necklace was raised from a bookshelf and thrown at Schlatt, who swiftly caught it. "Nice try, eat pant." Travis tilted his head before giggling. "Anyways, uhm, so I'm technically a serial killer." The other nodded. "So, wouldn't that mean the police would be like... guarding or something?" "Well, they're also looking on where you'll strike next. Your murders are inconsistent so it'll be hard with figuring out your next victim." He explained, tracing the edge of his teacup as the younger watched. "...How old are you?" "No."


SuckMyPop: Hola
Crimson: Soi Dora
SuckMyPop: :D
SuckMyPop: So about FitMC
Crimson: What the fuck
Crimson: Stfu
Crimson: You need
Crimson: To sister stab
Crimson: FitMC
Crimson: Ok bitch?
SuckMyPop: But
SuckMyPop: I have a fever D:
Crimson: Though shit, tell ribbon to fuck off
SuckMyPop: I don't like cursing D:
Crimson: I'm calling a hitman to your location

"Nein..." Travis grumbled, looking at the victim's card with a grumble. "Yoink!" "HeY!"

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