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Crimson: Yo
Crimson: Gay shit
Crimson: Wake tf up
SuckMyPop: It's 2 am Schlatt
SuckMyPop: What do you want? >:((((
Crimson: I wanna see a dead body
SuckMyPop: Local parks forest, hecca off the trail, somewhat nearish to a clearing, follow sparse blood trail.
Crimson: Didn't ask for Nick's address 🙄🙄
SuckMyPop: You said you wanted to see a dead body??
Crimson: Yeah like
Crimson: Another kill
Crimson: Ya' know
Crimson: *picture*

Travis clicked on the picture, his confused features turning even more confused. It was an iconic picture of Joana Ceddia when she was holding a big ass Brazilian avocado on her grandmothers balcony.

SuckMyPop: You know
SuckMyPop: I killed Nick
SuckMyPop: Like
SuckMyPop: A week ago???
Crimson: Yeah
Crimson: But they never found it
Crimson: Right?
SuckMyPop: Nick uploads 2-3 videos a month, his fans would notice if he doesn't upload a second video this month
SuckMyPop: :'((((((

Travis gave a heavy sigh, lowering his phone with a frown. He sat up, fixing his hair with a annoyed frown. It's been about four-five days since he killed Nick and Schlatt's just been spamming him the whole time after. Usually, he would have his phone ringer on but he had then put on mute after a day of spam. Over the few days, Travis managed to learn that Schlatt was actually pretty cool and a jokester. Something he never thought would be Schlatt's true personality. Silently, the male slipped out of bed and grabbed some clothes from his drawers with a simple hum. 'I want cotton candy...' Travis did his normal routine, the only difference being at 3 am, and went back to his phone to see Schlatt spamming him as usual.

SuckMyPop: Omg
SuckMyPop: I take a shower
SuckMyPop: And you do this to me
SuckMyPop: >:((((((

Travis took a picture of himself as to justify his statement.

Crimson: Wait
Crimson: :0000
SuckMyPop: 👀👀
Crimson: I have that same hoodie :000
Crimson: I just don't remember which closet I put it in
SuckMyPop: You have multiple closets?
Crimson: Closet for clothes, closet to hold random shit, and a deck of cards
SuckMyPop: Was that an ace joke
Crimson: Yes and I'm very proud of it >:)
SuckMyPop: I need to go downstairs
SuckMyPop: Bye son
Crimson: I'm older then you
SuckMyPop: How old are you? >:<
Crimson: 23
SuckMyPop: I'm 19 :'(((((

Travis let out a breathy giggle before exiting his room with his phone in hand. Around 3:45 am. 'I wanna go to Shane And Ryan's Bridge, they can fight me for control.' He giggled again, skipping downstairs. Josh was sitting on the couch, kinda just frozen and tired. "Josh?" The male jumped and turned towards the shorter in confusion. "Trav? Why are you up?" "Woke up and couldn't sleep. I mean, I'm a neet so I guess I can wake up early." He joked, doing jazz hands. Josh gave his a stare before laughing lightly. "Sure, sure. I'll be going to the shop, I'll see you at six." He stood up and slipped on his platforms before leaving the house with the shorter watching. 'I don't understand platform boots, they just make you taller and it doesn't seem to be ideal. It's just a thicker boot bottom.' Travis closed and locked the door behind Josh before looking down at his. Around 3:50 am and Schlatt was calling. With a small groan, he picked up the call. "Hello?" "Hola, que matal." Travis blinked, putting the call on speaker and lowered the volume. "I don't speak Spanish." Schlatt laughed softly. "Good. Sooo... has anyone ever find Nick?" "No. They've tried contacting him but he never responded. Do you think they'll find him?" The deal maker gave a heavy sigh as Travis placed his phone on the kitchen counter and searched the cabinets for cereal and a bowl. "I vieve, I vieve... Hope so. Also, isn't it Thursday? It's been like- I dunno- five days since Nick just," Schlatt snapped his fingers.
Travis gave out a small giggle, taking out a bowl and spoon and placing it beside his phone. "I'm hungry." The deal maker complained, the other immediately scoffing in return. "You don't have food?" "It's been like... a loooong time since I've gone out and bought food." The smaller made a small 'oooh' as he grabbed the box of chocolate Rice Krispies and milk. "No wonder you're so pale. You should really go out and go to the store or something, because if you die then this task is like... going to be dumb." "Yeah, you're eating at 4 in the morning, shut the fuck-." Schlatt cut himself off as Travis prepared his cereal. "What? What's wrong?" "...nothing. I think it would be time for you to start a new murder." The young adult paused, holding a spoonful of cereal under the milk with his spoon. "...maybe later. In elementary school, there were things where you could get food from the cafeteria in the morning if you couldn't eat at home. There was this girl who ended up being my ex-best friend and she got some Cocoa Puffs and white milk and when we got to the classroom, she sat down and prepared her cereal. Then she went to go choose her lunch near the front of the class and when she got back, the chocolate from the cereal soaked into the milk and she got annoyed and then never ate her cereal. When I asked her why, her cousin/ex-best friend said that she hated chocolate milk. But she got chocolate cereal. And white milk. And I realized this is when my best friend was dumb. We were also in the fourth grade."
The male explained thoughtfully, grabbing his phone and bowl and then sitting at the dining table. "Bro, she's dumb as hell." "I mean... I guess..." He nommed on the slightly soggy cereal, humming softly. "Hey, hey, hey Trades." "Yea?" The two fell in silence, the only sound of cereal crunch and metal clinking. "...Who's gonna be your next victim?" "I'm going in alphabetical order." Schlatt hummed in understanding, the two falling in silence again. "That's kinda dumb..." "Ted- Ted no- no, don't fucking do that." Noah hissed, walking down the steps as he shoulder checked Ted. Schlatt placed himself in mute, listening to the conversation. "Oh, Trav, you're up early." "Wait what?" Ted pushed past Noah, running down the stairs swiftly. "Ugh!" "Hi guys..." Travis sheepishly said, pushing back his bangs as Noah followed. "You're up early for once." The shorter looked the duo up and down before snorting softly. "And your both looking the same like everyday." Ted chortled slightly, grabbing two granola bars and decking one at the arm amputee. "I'm cutting off your leg Ted and making you a double amputee." The chorus teacher hissed, swiftly catching the bar as the band teacher laughed. "Hey, you have to deal with those outlandish narcissistic singing student and I just have to deal with somewhat bad music." He laughed again, the duo exiting the house together and leaving Travis. "Bye Travis, see you at like five."
Noah waved, the door shutting harshly behind him. "Ted sounds like he has peanut butter in the back of his throat." Schlatt commented, making Travis choke on his cereal. "He sounds like when in the womb, maxed out his humor and appearance and just left out his sanity and logicality." The assassin giggled slightly, drinking the milk left of his cereal before placing the bowl and spoon into the sink. "Where's Carson King, Cooper Scon, and Charlie Sicle?" Schlatt sighed as the male grabbed his phone and jogged upstairs. "I can check if you want." "No." Getting a sigh in return, Schlatt continued. "It's around 7 so they should be awake." "I spent three hours eating cereal?!" "To be fair, you just black out randomly." Giving a small huff, Travis puffed his cheeks as he entered his room. "So uhm... I guess my next victim is uhm... this guy?" Schlatt hummed in confirmation as Travis took up the second card. "How you gonna kill him?" The first thing that popped into mind was strangulation, so Travis said just that. "It'll take 4-5 minutes to strangle them and 10 seconds to knock them unconscious. However, with asphyxiation would take 2 minutes and 7-14 seconds to become unconscious. Choose asphyxiation, be faster. Probably use rope or something, he's not that strong." He responded with a heavy sigh, fixing his hoodie and grabbing his bag from the bathroom along with his gloves. He grabbed the card of the second victim from his desk.
Travis hung up on Schlatt and stuffed his phone into his pocket, exiting his room and running down to the garage as he pulled on the gloves. Multitasking! 'Rope, I need rope. Carson bought rope because it was an impulse buy, just like the mannequin. The mannequin actually worked, Noah took it and designed some outfits.' He opened the garage door and looked at the shelves lining the walls with a hum. '...My phone smells like fruit loops?' The male laughed softly before moving a toolbox to the side and grabbed the rope. He pulled off his bag and placed the rope inside. Travis opened the pouch and replaced Nick's card with Sam's, stuffing Nick's card into the bottom of his bag. 'I'll tell the other's I'll be leaving later.' He turned off the garage light and walked out, closing the door behind him with a low creak. 'I feel like that Girl Scout from BeetleJuice.' He hummed softly, going back into the living room and taking out his keys from his bag. The male opened the door and walked out, locking it behind him and closing it. Crumchy ice. Travis hummed softly, skipping on the sidewalk with a small grin. 'It would be scary if there were a mind reader just passing by and they hear me. If you can read my mind, cough and say brrr it's cold.' He was met with silence. 'Dang... When you think in your mind, your whisper, yell, and just normal speaking have the same volume.' The male took out his phone, replacing it's spot with his keys. He saw a few messages from Schlatt and then from Josh.

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