18 - UnderscoreMason

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"Be careful with the next murder." Schlatt tsked in annoyance, wiping away the dried blood. "I didn't know she knew how to fight." "It's obvious that she would study how to fight because of the damn murders. She knew that if she didn't pay up, then I would get her killed. She thought she moved away far enough." His voice held a grin, almost unnoticeable. "You have like- what- a couple more people the kill? Mason, Goldie, Arlus, and then your friends." He hummed, tying the bandage and cutting off excess. 'Gold is hard to kill. I'll do Mason.' Travis pulled his arm back and fixed his bangs, covering the black eye he received. "You're lucky Ribbon had destroyed any evidence of you. You sucked." "I had to run. The police was called." Aggressively, Schlatt slammed his hands down on the table and stood up, towering over Travis. "Of course. That's everyone's fucking excuse. You're working for me, you can easily rid of the evidence.

"What about blood?! Or finger prints?!"

He leaned forwards, the anger obvious in his body language. "You could've called for Ribbon or Pants. They're the one who's doing the most work aren't they?! Doing most of the murders *you* don't want to do. You're a fucking coward, Travis Trades!" Travis stared agape before gritting his teeth. He stood up fast and moved out the room, leaving the house with a loud slam of the door.

"Coward. He's the coward."


Travis pulled a simple beanie over his head with a frown, closing his eyes. He glanced down at the card in his lap before standing up, taking out the knife. 'Mason likes to chill on the roof of his house. He'd probably see me.' The male flipped the hood over his head, moving underneath the trees and seeing the familiar brunette. 'He looks like he's ready to kill.' Travis looked around the area before frowning, running his thumb against the healing busted lip. 'Can he see me? Probably not... what if he can read minds? I mean... maybe. Where's a gun?' He picked up a rock from a ground before grunting in annoyance. 'Break a window.' The male pulled his arm back before harshly decking the rock at a window.

'Oh my god it actually broke.'

Mason jumped at the crash before looking down at the edge before grimacing. 'He noticed.' Mason stood up from the rooftop before moving off, later appearing at the broken window after five minutes(three minutes of trying to get down, one minute of getting down, and one minute of walking to the window). "The hell?" The light brunette grumbled before walking out into the backyard.

'Since when did he have a gun?'

Travis glanced down at his knife with a annoyed grumble. 'He has bad grip, I could probably take it. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's loaded. He can kill me.' He glanced around the area before furrowing his eyebrows. 'Mason is going to patrol the area. Once his back is turned, I'll run into the house and get the rope that he has in the garage. Then I'll kill him like Sam probably but with a noooose...' The male ran out of hiding as soon as Mason turned around. 'Or maybe hang him from a tree.' He slipped into the garage, using the door in the kitchen, and grabbing the rope on one of the shelves. Quickly, Travis tied it into a noose and stopped when he heard the door open behind him.

"Drop the rope."

Travis grinned sickly, raising his hands as a surrender and turning around. Mason blinked in shock, lowering his gun slightly before holding it up again. "Travis?" His voice was shaky and quiet, probably unnoticeable if not for the silence that looked over them. "Mason." He snorted back, rolling his eyes. "Why-?" "Why do you care?" Travis quickly said, kicking over a bucket and kicking it at Mason. Mason wheezed slightly, the bucket hitting him in the gut while the other spent no time removing the pistol from his hands. 'He ruined my plans of hanging him.'


Travis slammed the handle of the gun into Mason's head, watching him crumple to the ground like a bag of potato chips. 'Did I hit him too hard?' He placed the gun onto the shelf behind him and stared at the pool of crimson. 'Do I just... what do I do now? The neighbors probably saw me.' The male glanced around the area before going the kitchen and getting a knife. He quickly came back to the unconscious body and stabbed his heart. Luckily, Mason didn't wake up(A/N: Hi yes, I checked google and yeah usually they don't wake up after getting stabbed). Travis twisted the knife into a circle and ran out the garage, into the backyard, and then into a forest. 'I should lose the police here.'

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